
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
moim tematem jest : za i przeciw otwarcia supermarketow w niedziele .. narazie mam tylko poczatek tory chcialabym zebyscie sprawdzili :) i pare wyrazen ktore chcialabym uzyc a nie wiem jak one brzmia :D :

Many supermarkets are opened in Sunday. People can make shopping by whole week and most of us are enjoy bacause of that.Hovever, the opened supermakets have the other side of the coin and it does have certain drawback that people tend to forget about .(to od"it does.." spisalam z repetytorium nei wiem co to dokladnie znaczy ale wzielam to bo nie wiedzialam co napisac wiec moze wy wiecie?:D)

First of all, There is no denying that sunday is the only day (??)(jedynym dniem) when some people can do shopping. Secondly, sundays are sometimes very boring and how we know shopping can give us a lot of fun. What is more, when we forgot about to buy something and we need that immediately we can always go to (the?) supermarket. As a result ,we really need(the?) supermarkets.
>Many supermarkets are opened 'in' ON Sunday. People can 'make' DO (make to kalka z polskiego) shopping 'by' DURING THE whole week and most of us 'are enjoy' (nie rozumiem tego tutaj) 'bacause' (popraw to slowo) of that.'Hovever' (ortog), the opened supermakets 'have the other side of the coin' (cos tu nie tak, nie rozumiem tego) and it does have certain drawbackS that people tend to forget about.

First of all, 'There' (mala litera) is no denying that 'sunday' (Sunday duza litera) is the only day when some people can do shopping. Secondly,
'sundays' (duza litera) are sometimes very boring and 'how' (po co to slowo tutaj?) we know shopping can give us a lot of fun. What is more, when we 'forgot' FORGET 'about' (co to slowo tutaj robi?) to buy something and
we need that immediately we can always go to the supermarket. As a result ,we really need the supermarkets.

Although ,there are the people who work in the supermarkets , and
'sundays' DUZA litera) should be A free day for them and for everyone of course, ale to zdanie nie jest pelne - gdzie jest druga czesc zdania?.
Another problem is that the time that we waste for 'a' (niepotr) shopping we should spend with 'ours' (zle slowo, naucz sie roznicy pomiedzy OUR a OURS) family or friends'.
Furthermore, 'ours' zle slowo) 'shoppings' (niema takiego wyrazu, tutaj SHOPPING TRIPS are often very expensive , and 'i' (DUZA litera) am sure that if the supermarkets 'would be' ARE closed 'in' ON Sundays (Prosze sie nauczyc, ze dni tyg piszemy DUZA litera) we could save 'a' (przed l. mn nie dajemy 'a') some money.
But the decision of WHETHER TO 'opened or closed' OPEN OR CLOSE THE supermarkets 'is' DOES not belong to us but THE decision of WHETHER TO go there or not is only 'ours' OUR choice.


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