Proszę, niech mi to ktoś sprawdzi ;]]

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Na następnej lekcji będziemy opowiadać tekst. Jakoś go streściłam, jednak nie jestem pewna co do jego poprawności i chciałabym, aby ktoś to sprawdził.

The text 'Glasgow boy's amazing win' is about Kelvin Dale, eighteen from Glasgow, who win £1.7 million.
One Saturday evening Kelvin and his fother were watching the National Lottery on television and they was very excited when the sixth numbers all matched his.
The next day Kelvin found out thet he had won £1.7 million. He went to London to collect his cheque. But his mother was worried. She was frightened thet people are going to take adventage of him.
Kelvin started to adapt his new life. He can now afford to see his favourite football team. He has also given a large sum of money to his fother who has had to give up work because of illness.
But since he winning he has received a pile of begging letters from strangers and charities and dozens of letters and phone calls from 'wannabe' girlfriends.
The text 'Glasgow boy's amazing win' is about Kelvin Dale, AN eighteen YEAR OLD BOY from Glasgow, who winS £1.7 million POUNDS.
One Saturday evening Kelvin and his fAther were watching the National Lottery on television and they WERE very excited when ALL six numbers matched THEIRS.
The next day Kelvin found out thAT he had won £1.7 million ( to zdanie jest troszkę nielogiczne w stosunku do poprzedniego. Skoro oglądał TV i wiedział jakie padły numery, to tez musiał znać wartość puli :))). He went to London to collect his cheque. But his mother was worried. She was frightened thAt people WERE going to take adventage of him.
Kelvin started to adapt TO his new life. He COULD afford to see (WATCH) his favourite football team. He also GAVE a large sum of money to his fAther who had to give up HIS work because of AN illness.
But since HIS LOTTERY WINNINGS he received a pile of begging letters from strangers and charities and dozens of letters and phone calls from 'wannabe' girlfriends.
Na koniec wypadałoby dodać czego oczekiwali ci wszyscy "proszący" i czy Kelvin spełnił ich prośby czy nie. :)
aha, zamiast "next day" dałabym "following day" czas przeszły to czas przeszły :)
the next day znaczy to samo co the following day, czyz nie?