Krótkie streszczenie, proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hoarders do not see sense in getting rid of not wrecked things and purging their wardrobe twice a year. They say that there is always possibility that some old-fashioned clothes will be trendy again. Some people simply cannot stand parting with their old belongings – there are storages, where they can keep their belongings without any harm to their house’s space.
Hoarders do not see sense in getting rid of 'not wrecked' (a dlaczego nie napisalas 'unwanted') things and purging their wardrobe twice a year. They say that there is always THE possibility that some 'old-fashioned' (moze lepiej 'vintage') clothes will be trendy again. Some people simply cannot stand parting with their old belongings - 'there are storages' (nie rozumiem co to ma znaczyc), where they can keep their belongings without any harm to
their 'house's' (tutaj wystarczy 'house') space.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia