Prośba o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prośba o sprawdzenie i ewentualne zmiany. ;-)
' Household duties (doing the washing up, cleaning, hovering etc.) are relaxing and give us pleasure and satisfaction. Do you agree? '

In my opinion people can divide on 2 groups. The totally most of they are people who are little bit hardworking. They hate make a household duties. Although also there are people who really like it.
I'll begin to talk about second group.I've got a friend who doing the housework- rhe turns music and dancing. She says that she likes do it, but it's hard to belive for me. She also says that is relaxing and give her pleasure and satisfaction. Our duties like e.g. going out with our dog can be doing with benefit for ourselfs. When we walking with our pet we can go to forest, take breath air, listen music and keep relaxing.
Unfortunatly the most of us don't like it. It's unpleasant doty which they must do. Bout I've got some advice for those people : plan to perform duties, not perform duties at the same time, planning this duties to then have free time for ourself and friends.
I think that this shouldn't be perceived as unpleasant duties but make with a smile , with pleasure , don't put off to later heavy-duty work.


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