Sprawdzenie prezentacji w formie pisemnej

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam przygotować prezentację na temat życia w mieście i na wsi w formie pisemnej. Jeśli ktoś może, to proszę o wypisanie, poprawienie błędów i wyjaśnienie dlaczego jest źle.

As everything around us living in a city's got advantages and disadvantages.
First of all, when you live in a city, you can get anywhere you want in a while. You don't need to care about money, there are many job offers, you've also got major abilities and more chances to get a better job and to earn much more money. In a city people have a bigger choice of schools and universities so they can get necessary qualifications easly. And probably the best advantage for young people (and not only for young)- entertainment. There are loads of discos, cinemas, monuments, museums and so on.
What about disadvantages? It's really loudly there. You also must to used to air pollution and that apartments are quite expensive (especially in a city centre). The biggest problem is that you may come across some unkind neighbours. Nowadays many teenagers who live in cities are getting into a crime so living in a city is much more dangerous for you and your childer.
Valleys are the best place to rest after a day full of hard work. Nowadays so many people are moving to the valley because they are tired of noise and tumult. If you want to get relaxed and you prefer calm areas- valley is the best solution for you. You can also admire many picturesque valleys and views that are breathtaking.
Lets move on to disadvantages. The fact is that most of the valleys inhibitions (chodzi o mieszkańców wsi, ale nie mam zielonego pojęcia, w jaki inny sposób to napisać) must to struggle against (czy może with?) poverty. The other thing is everyone knows each other. It may be the cause of some unpleasant gossips. It's true that if you live in a solitary place nobody disturbes you but when you need some immediate help there's no one to count on. Moreover, public communication fails quite often there.
As everything around us, living in a city
(in a while...nie rozumiem , masz na mysli quickly?)- tak, dokładnie;
You don't need to care about money (naprawde?)- myśle, że nauczyciel nie będzie patrzył na prace pod kątem merytorycznym, raczej czy nie ma błędów w pisowni itd.
childer, easly- literówki, nie zauważyłam;
village, zamiast valley- nie mam zielonego pojęcia skąd mi się to wzięło;
(a na wsi ludzie sie nie czepia? To jest najwiekszy problem?)- może i się czepiają, ale 'miastowi są mniej mili, przynajmniej tak się mówi, poza tym kiedy się uczę o 23 i słyszę nad głową rzucanie ciężarkami, to wierz mi, sąsiedzi są najwiekszym problemem.

Dzięki wielkie.


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