sprawdzcie HELP!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam wpisac phrasal verb. sprawdzcie prosze!
V. Użyj słów z ramki do uzupełnienia luk w podanym tekście:
on, up, in, up to, off, away,

1. A. - Hello, can I speak to Mr. Jameson, please ?
B. - I’m sorry. He isn’t ....... at the moment. Can I take a message ?
2. A. - Hello, can I speak to Ms. Richards, please ?
B. - I’m sorry. She’s .......... on holiday at the moment.
3. A. - I feel like going to the cinema tonight.
B. - Great idea ! What’s ......... at the moment ?
4. Come on, kids ! Aren’t you ........ yet ? Breakfast is on the table.
5. I wonder why they aren’t answering the door. There must be someone ........ All the lights are ........
6. I must be .......... soon. I want to get to the shops before they close.
7. A. - You’re crying. What’s ............ ?
B. - I’m just a bit sad. That’s all.
moje odpowiedzi: 1.in 2.away 3.on 4. ?? 5.in/on 6.off 7.up
up. mam kilka wiecej przykladow: wybierz wyrazenia z ramki i wpisz w odpowiedniej formie:
drop out bring about settle in
see off work out do up
1. The invention of the steam engine ……………………….. a great development in
2. Noel moved to England only a month ago but he’s already ...................………….......
3. Lisa’s going to Mexico tomorrow. I’m going to the airport to …………… her ..........
4. Last month I took part in a marathon but I ……………………………… after six
kilometres. I wasn’t fit enough.
5. We’ll have to ................................... this room; the walls are dirty.
??. 2.settled in 3.see her off 4.dropped out 5??
4. nie wstaliście jeszcze?
1. spowodować
5. odnowić
nie potrafisz dopasowac jednego z dwoch? Pozostale ok


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie