proszę o pomoc- angielskie czasy- ćwiczenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o pomoc w ćwiczeniu. Mam problem z wyborem odpowiedniego czasu... Czasy to moja najsłabsza strona ;). Pod ćwiczeniem napisałam swoje propozycje, jednak nie jestem ich pewna...

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
Next month John 1) ....... (start) a new job. He 2) ...... (decide) to leave his old job when his aunt, who 3) ....... (own) a company, asked him to join her. He is sure that he 4) ...... (enjoy) the new job as he 5) ....... (always/want) to work in business. At the moment he 6) ....... (go) through the company files so he can learn as much as possible. He 7) ....... (work) next to an experienced accountant for the first two weeks. He hopes he will not let his aunt down as he 8) ........ (not/work) in a similar post before.

1) will be starting [?]
2) decided [?]
3) ?
4) will enjoy [?]
5) had always wanted [?]
6) is going
7) will be working [?]
8) ?
1. ok
2. ok
4. ok
5. always wanted
6. ok
7. ok
8. has not worked
dziękuję :)


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