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Dostałam na studiach zadanie aby opisać jakąś wymyśloną historyjkę w czasie przeszłym.... Prosiłabym o jak najszybsze sprawdzenie mojego tekstu:

When I was in Warsaw two years ago with my Friend- Monika ( I knew Monika for many years). I lost in this big city. I will remeber this day for rest of my life.. I went to the clothes shop and I showed a new blouse to Monika. Then I had a phone call and I didn’t care about her and she wasn't in shop. I went to the another shop and I didn’t think about my Friend. But a little bit later I remebered that I was in the shop with Monika. I went to the same shop the fastest I can, but Monika is not there.... I rang her, but she didn’t answer. It was so stressful situation. I felt like a dummy, like a child. I was lonely in this big City. I didn’t have any idea to found Monika. Then I had a idea to call to the police and talked to the Officer that I lost my Friend- it was so silly situation for me- the big girl lost in the big city.... And i called to the Police. The Man told me that my Friend is waited for me at the Police Station. I looked for the bus to Police and I went inside Police Station. Here she is!- I thought and Monika came to my. We both are happy that’s our journey didn’t have the sad ending. It was so stressful and discomfort for us. I wish that I never again have the same situation, because when I came to the home, after this situation I thought about this and I knew that the final of this story didn’t be happy if I didn’t call to the Police and talked about my problem. And when We go to the Shop or another place, we are together and I don’t talk to anybody- only with Monika.
When I was in Warsaw two years ago with my Friend- Monika ( I 'knew' HAVE KNOWN Monika for many years).(To nie jest zdaniem - prosze poprawic)
'I lost in this big city' (to nie jest zdaniem - prosze poprawic). I will 'remeber' (ortog) this day for (tu cos brakuje)rest of my life.. I went to 'the' A clothes shop and I showed a new blouse to Monika. Then I had a phone call and I didn't care about her and she wasn't in (tutaj cos brakuje) shop. I went to 'the' (niepotr) another shop and I didn't think about my 'Friend' (mala litera). But a little bit later I 'remebered' (ortog) that I 'was' HAD BEEN in the shop with Monika. I went to the same shop 'the fastest' AS FAST AS I 'can' COULD, but Monika 'is' WAS not there.... I rang her, but she didn't answer.
It was 'so' SUCH A stressful situation.
I was lonely in this big 'City' (mala litera, wiem Warszawa zasluguje na duza, ale city to mala) . I didn't have any idea HOW to 'found' FIND Monika.
Then I had a idea to call 'to' (niepotr) the police and 'talked' (ale przeciez masz 'call' to dlaczego 'taslked' tutaj TALK) to the Officer that I HAD lost my Friend- it was 'so' SUCH A silly situation for me- 'the' A big girl lost
in 'the' A big city.... And 'i' (I duza litera ZAWSZE) called 'to' (niepotr) the Police. The 'Man' (mala litera) told me that my 'Friend' (mala litera) 'is' HAD waited for me at the Police Station. I looked for the bus to (tu cos brakuje)Police and I went inside (tu cos brakuje) Police Station. 'Here' THERE she 'is!' WAS- I thought nd Monika came to 'my' (zle slowo-popraw). We both 'are' WERE happy 'that's' (zle slowo, to co napisalas to 'that is'- popatrz i popraw) our journey didn't have 'the' A sad ending. It was so stressful and 'discomfort' (zla czesc zdania - popraw) for us. I 'wish' (zle slowo, tutaj HOPE that I WILL never again have the same situation, because when I came 'to the' (niepotr) home, after this situation I thought about this and I knew that the final of this story 'didn't be' MIGHT NOT HAVE TURNED OUT TO BE happy if I didn't call 'to' (niepotr) the Police and talked about my problem. And when 'We' (mala litera) go to the 'Shop' (mala litera) or another place, we are together and I don't talk to anybody- only with Monica.


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