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I am writing to express my opinion abut your proposal of close our cinema which was presented in the last issue of newspaper " news".In my opinion it is bad idea.
The author of article seems to have very little knowledge about this case because he thinks that hiring establishment of movies can replace a cinema.
The main argument is that in cinema it's specific atmosphere , great sound and exellent view so it is much more thrilling than film on television.
What is more films on dvd are always published with huge delay so people in our town will not be able to watch any new movies.
Our cinema is also very important for society , because it is the only one object of this kind in area.Much people visiting city to watch some movie by the way spending money in shops.
I propose to arrange a meeting with mayor and owner of cinema where we will discuss about this case.I would be also very happy if other readers will take a part in this meet.

Yours faithfully xyz
I am writing to express my opinion abut your proposal 'of' TO close our
cinema which was presented in the last issue of YOUR newspaper " news".
The author of (tu cos brakuje) article seems to have very little knowledge about this case because he thinks that hiring (tu cos brakuje) establishment of movies can replace a cinema.
The main argument is that in cinema it's (tu cos brakuje) specific atmosphere , great sound and 'exellent' (ortog) view so it is much more thrilling than (tu cos brakuje) film on television.
Our cinema is also very important for society , because it is the only
one object of this kind in (tu cos brakuje) area. 'Much' MANY people 'visiting' VISIT (tu cos brakuje) city to watch some movie AND by the way 'spending' SPEND money in (tu cos brakuej) shops.
I propose to arrange a meeting with (tu cos brakuje) mayor and (tu cos brakuje) owner of (tu cos brakuje) cinema where we 'will' WOULD discuss 'about' (niepotr) this case. I would 'be also' (zla kol slow..also be) very happy if other readers 'will' WOULD take 'a' (niepotr) part in this meetING.


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