Krótki tekst - proszę o pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę sprawdźcie czy dobrze uzupełniłem teks, kropki oznaczają miejsce na brakujące słowo a słowo w nawiasie to moje propozycja:

'You`ve .....(1.been) looking at that timetable for the las ten minutes. It can`t be that confusing!' said Sheila angrily.
'I ..... (2.?) wish you`d be quite! I`v ....(3.been) a splitting headache thanks to you!' replied Matt.
'Mum!Dad!Please!` said Alison.'You`re both ....(4.seem) very silly. ....(5.This) is no point at all in blaming each other. Taht`s not going to help us find out what time the next train to Budapest is due to leave.'
You .... (6.should be) quite right, darling. I ....(7.`m) sorry,' said Sheila.
'Me too,' mumbled Matt.'Now, let`s have another look at this timetable. Well, it .... (8. is) like we ....(9.had) definitely missed the las train today. Taht was the 18.20 we just missed, wasn`t it?'
'I ..... (10.think) so,' said Sheila.' I mean, it did leave at 18.20. Whether it`s actually going to Budapest or not is another question.'
'Well, one thing is .... ( in doubt,' said Matt.
'What`s that?' asked Sheila and Alison together.
'This is the worst holiday we,ve .....(12.ever) been on,'said Matt. 'Next year, we`re going to try something far less adventurous.'
'Agreed!' said Sheila and Alison.

Z góry dziękuje za pomoc.
Po pracuj nad tym troche wiecej, duzo bledow:

1. been ok
2. dziwne, ja bym napisala "I wish you'd be quiet" tak jak jest napisane.
3. x
4. x czasownik ma koncowke -ing
5. x
6. x
7. I'm ok
8. x
9. x
10. think ok
11. x
12. ever ok