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I saw the actress Joanna Brodzik in 2007 film Magda M.
She is my favourite artist..She is good looking woman.Joanna is medium height and slender woman.In her early thirties. She's got straight nose and always smailed mouth.Her brown eyes give her very nice face.
She's got brown, short hair, but when she played in the Magda M, she had long blond hair with fringe. Usually she wear casual, but stylish clothes. She doesn't wear a lot of jewellery.
She is really popular.Everyone like her lively character.
Is see her films, because she makees smile in my face.
She is easygoing, frank and confident butsometimes she has tendency to be moody.
She spends a lot of time with her family.
I really like this actress.SHe is attractive, liked person with interesed personality
I saw the actress Joanna Brodzik in A 2007 film Magda M.
She is A good looking woman. Joanna is OF medium height and IS slender. 'woman' (niepotr).
(kto co? komu? czemu? o kim mowa, tutaj trzeba napisac...SHE IS in her early thirties. She's got A straight nose and AN always 'smailed' (co to za slowo wynalazles- popraw i zrob to dobrze) mouth.
She's got brown, short hair, but when she played 'in the' (niepotr) Magda M, she
had long blond hair with A fringe. Usually she wearSA casual, but stylish
Everyone likeS her lively character.
'Is see her films' (tego nie rozumiem, napisz po polsku), because she 'makees' (ortog) ME smile. 'in my face' (niepotr).
She is easy going (to 2 slowa), frank and confident, but sometimes she has A tendency to be moody.
SHe is AN attractive, 'liked' (tutaj inne slowo LIKEABLE person with 'interesed' (ortog- ale uwazaj jaka czesc zdania to ma byc - popraw) personality


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