sprawdzenie zadania (czasy)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej, proszę o sprawdzenie osoby które umieją angielski na picuś glancuś :)
Czasy nasz odwieczny problem :P

# They are both very busy, but they still always have super together every night.( always have/are always having)
# "Are you going to the cinema tonight?" "I'm not sure. It depends on how much homework I have." (depends on/is depending on)
# She never returns my phone calls. (never returns/ is never returning)
# Is she going out to a resturant tonight or staying at home? (is she going out/ does she go out :staying/stays)
# Kristina worries a lot about her health, so she never eats carbohydrates or fast food.(worries/is worrying :never eats/is never eathing)
# Paula is a vegeterian, but she sometimes eats seafood. (sometimes eats/ is sometimes eating)
# I dont like this meal--it's too fatty. ( i dont like/ i am not liking)
# Ben needs to go on a diet if he wants to look good on the beach. (needs/is needing)
# Sorry, he's busy. He is having a shower right now.(is having a shower/ has a shower)
# A: What is your father making? (your father/make) B: I'm not sure, but there is so much smoke that I think he burned it.
# A: Do u want (you / want) to order some takeaway tonight? B: Sure! Do you want Chinese food or pizza?
# A: Do u going away? (you / go away) this summer? B: No, I don't have enough money.
# A: What do they do?(they / do) B: They're volunteers from the United Nations.
# A: What are u having (you / have) for breakfast today? B: Something light. I'm not very hungry this morning.

I drugie zadanie z Vocabulary, które ja rozwiazałam ale system e-learningu stwierdzil, że są błędy co mnie zdziwiło więc rozwiazałam je jeszcze drugi raz i wyszło, że też źle :x więc się poddaję...(wpiszę tylko te które miałam oznaczone jako dobrze)

words: strangers, lost, best friends, access, website

The Friends Reunited (____) helps (____) who have (___) touch to find each other again. More than 11,000,000 people (belong)to the site, with over 63,000 schools, colleges and universities. If you're not (keen) on meeting with your old school friends, why not find someone who used to live near you? Over 500,000 old neighbours have met through the site, which covers 2,000,000 streets. And you don't need to worry (about) the expense - the website is free to
(____). You just need to register. Then you can search the site to find old colleagues, school friends, housemates or first loves. One man said he just had a look to see what his (ex grl) was doing, and discovered that, 'She was married with four children.' On the new dating website, you can (get)to know (____), to see if you have anything in (comon).

# A: 'Do' ARE u going away? (you / go away) this summer?

words: strangers, lost, best friends, access, website

The Friends Reunited (w...) helps (b...) who have (l..) touch to find
each other again.
.. - the website is free to (a..).
On the new dating website, you can (get)to know (s...), to see if you have
anything in (coMmon).
oooo wielkie dzięki :):)
Chyba zacznę tutaj częściej umieszczać zadania do sprawdzenia :=]
A gdzie dotychczas je umieszczalas, wiedzac dokladnie, ze to jest najlepsze forum na nauke ang?
nigdzie ich nie umieszczałam bo wcześniej nie przejmowałam się tak tym, że mogę mieć milion najprostszych błędów.
Ja tu zamieszczam tylko dla sprawdzenia, a nie jak 70-80 % ludzi zadania, żeby ktoś odwalił za nich robotę.


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie