proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. W gazecie angielskiej ukazał się artykuł o konieczności wprowadzenia opłat za studia. Nie zgadzasz się z tą opinią .Napisz list do redakcji w którym wyrazisz swoje zdanie. Zamieść w nim swoje obawy
-dla kogo będą płatne studia
-czy fakt, że studia są płatne wpłynie na ich poziom
-czy nie trzeba będzie zamknąć niektórych kierunków studiów
-czy fakt, że studia są płatne nie ograniczy osób wykształconych

Dear Editor

I read on article abort introduction fees for their studies in your newspaper. I don’t agree with it. I am writing to you this latter, because I want to express my opinion about that.
First, tuition fees should be only for recruitment, because when students must pay for their studies so they don’t have known when their money are going.
Second the level in study will certainly fall as people capable, but the poor will seek such studies where there isn’t charge for study.
Drastically decrease the number of students in certain directions what leading to the closure of certain lines.
Sure students fees will reduce the number of people in collage, because not everyone has rich parents.
Please write me as soon as it is possible.

I read 'on' (na?- po jakiemu to, tutaj AN article 'abort' (to znaczy calkowicie cos innego-popraw) (tu cos brakuje) introduction OF fees for 'their' (niepotr) studies 'in your newspaper' (to ma byc gdzies indziej w zdaniu).
I am writing 'to you' (niepotr) this 'latter' (ortog), because I want to express my opinion about that.
First, tuition fees should 'be only' (zla kol slow ONLY BE for recruitment, because when students 'must' HAVE TO pay for their studies 'so' (nie rozumiem tego slowa tutaj) they don't 'have' (niepotr) 'known' KNOW 'when' (kiedy, tutaj inne slowo) their money 'are' IS going.
Second the level in study will certainly fall 'as people capable' (tego nie moge rozszyfrowac), but the poor will seek such studies where there isn't A charge for study.
(a gdzie jest poczatek zdania?) drastically decrease the number of students in certain directions 'what' (znowu ta kalka z polskiego 'co' - to jest zle, prosze dostosowac sie do ang. gramatyki) 'leading' LEAD to the closure of certain 'lines' (nie najlepsze slowo).
'Sure' (dla mnie to jest kolokw-prosze inne slowo) students fees will reduce the number of people in 'collage' (ortog), because not everyone has rich parents.
Please write me as soon as it is possible (ale o czym, o kwiatuszkach, o zimie, no o czym?).
Dear Editor

I read an article in your newspaper abort introduction of fees for studies. I don’t agree with it. I am writing this letter, because I want to express my opinion about that.
First, tuition fees should only be for recruitment, because when students have to pay for their studies so( chodzi mi tutaj o to, że więc nie wiedzą…) they don’t have know where their money is going.
Second the level in study will certainly fall as people capable, but the poor will seek such studies where there isn’t charge for study.
Third drastically decrease the number of students in certain directions what lead to the closure of certain direction(?)
I think that students fees will reduce the number of people in college, because not everyone has rich parents.
Please write me as soon as what do you think about it.



Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie