prosze o sprawdzenie opisu miejsca

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bardzo proszę o spradzenie opisu:

Imagine that you are driving through misty forest. The forest is encroaching, leaving the road ahead only discernible for a few meters as it twists around the ancient trees. You can hear a river close by.
And then there is some thinning of the woods, and you are suddenly in a small meadow. The gloom of the forest isn’t relenting, though, for there are six primordial cedars that shaded an entire acre with their vast sweep of branches that shade stretches right up to the house. You can see a house - my dream house.
The house is timeless, graceful, and over a hundred years old. It is painted a soft, faded white, three stories tall, rectangular and well proportioned. You walk into the house. The inside is very bright, open and large. The back, south-facing wall is entirely replacing with glass, and, beyond the shade of the cedars, the lawn stretches bare to the wide river. The walls, the wooden floors, and the thick carpets are all varying shades of white. You can see a modern black leather living-room suite. You go to the kitchen - the meals and dining area look warm and inviting.
Then you walk up the massive curving staircase. The hall at the top of the stairs is paneled with a honey-colored wood. You go to the bathroom - it’s modern and white.
There are also four bedrooms upstairs. In rooms the floor is covered with a thick golden carpet, and the walls hang with heavy fabric in a slightly darker shade.
You leave out house. You state that the house is open, bright and naturally well light. You think “It could be also my dream house!”

za podjęcie proby sprawdzenia i poswiecenie mojemu tekstowi chośby kilku minut będe ogromnie wdzięczna! Z góry dziękuje!!!
Imagine that you are driving through (przedimek)misty forest. The forest is encroaching (zly czas-stylistic improvement), leaving the road ahead (only discernible..kol slow) for a few meters as it twists around the ancient trees. You can hear a river close by.
And then there is (some thinning...po pracuj nad tym) of the woods, and you are suddenly in a small meadow. The gloom of the forest isn't relenting (nie wiem dokladnie co chcesz tu powiedziec...szukasz slowo "is relentless"?), AS there are six primordial cedars that shaded (zly czas) an entire acre with their vast sweep of branches that CAST shade right up to the house. (You can see a house...seems redundant, I would remove) - my dream house.
The house is timeless, graceful, and over a hundred years old. It is painted a soft, faded white. (A gdzie przedmiot i czasownik?)three stories tall, rectangular and well proportioned. You walk into the house. The inside is very bright, open and large. The back, south-facing wall (is entirely replacing...zly czas) with glass, and, beyond the shade of the cedars, the lawn stretches bare??? to the wide river. The walls, the wooden floors, and the thick carpets are all varying shades of white. You can see a modern black leather living-room suite. You go to the kitchen - the meals and dining area look warm and inviting.
Then you walk up the massive curving staircase. The hall at the top of the stairs is paneled with a honey-colored (orto AmE?) wood. You go to the bathroom - it's modern and white.
There are also four bedrooms upstairs. (In rooms the floor...kol slow) is covered with a thick golden carpet, and the (walls hang???) with heavy fabric in a slightly darker shade.
You (leave out???) house. You state (lepiej think) that the house is open, bright and naturally well light (zle slowo). You think “It could be my dream house!"
Some excerps seem very familiar. Maybe 'TWILIGHT' by Stephenie Meyer ...hmmm.
Mozliwe ze sie myle.
You have read TWILIGHT???
Aaric = male?
Wiem ze kiedys wzialem z biblioteki. Nie pamietam czy cala przeczytalem i ktora czesc. Vampirzy mnie raczej nie fascynuja, ale lubie autora ogolny styl pisania.
Aaric = male.
Nastolatki sie na Twilight rzucily.
Na razie unikam.
Daleko mi od "teenaged years"
A ja prawie wypożyczyłam z biblioteki. I tak dalej sobie myślę....czytać? Nie czytać?
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