list formalny pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam! czy moglibyscie rzucic okiem an ten list i poprawic ewentualne bledy? bede bardzo wdzieczna. jelsi widzielibyscie,ze daloby rade zastapic jakies slowa bardziej formalnymi, prosze dajcie znac. z gory dzieki!!

Dear Mr X
Thank you for your letter, encouraging our company to continue business with you. Your new offer seems to be interesting for us.
We are hihgly interested in ordering approximately 20 "Wizard" office chairs from your new collection. Could you please specify sizes of above mentioned chairs? Are they available in black color?
Our company also would like to welcome more information about the exact discount for this product when ordering in October.
We would like to voice our approval regarding your new website. The new design and more options for your clients make your company definetely more attractive.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
bardzo prosze jesze raz, to dla mnie b.wazne.
Thank you for your letter, encouraging our company to continue DOING business with you. Your new offer seems to be OF interest TO us.
We are hihgly/spell/ MOTIVATED/sug/ in ordering approximately 20 "Wizard" office chairs from your new collection. Could you please specify sizes of above mentioned chairs? Are they available in black color?
Our company also would like to welcome more information about the exact discount AVAILABLE for this product IF WE PLACE AN order in October.
We would like to voice our approval regarding your new website. The new design and more USER options DEFINITELY make your company more attractive TO YOUR CUSTOMERS
We look forward to hearing from you.
We are hihgly/spell/ 'MOTIVATED' to jest zle slowo tutaj) in ordering approximately 20 "Wizard" office chairs from your new collection.
Could you please specify sizes of THE above mentioned chairs? Are they
available in black 'color' (niepotr)?
Our company 'also would' (would also) like 'to welcome' (niepotr) more information about the exact discount available for this product if we WERE to place an order in October.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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