Sports - proszę o pomoc!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Sport is very important in our life. We spend a lot of time on learning, working, watching TV, using computers. Sometimes we feel bad, tired and often we live in stress. Then we need sport. It is a good way to relax. When we work in the office or if we are students, we often sit on a chair for a long time. In this situation, we should run or play football, tennis, basketball, volleyball or other after work.
Sport has been a part of people's life for many years. Lot of people like watching sport on TV. We can often see many basketball and football matches there. Other people go to see football matches on stadiums. For me sport is important. I like playing football, volleyball and running. But many people in Poland forget about the practice sport. Sport is very useful in our life. It help us to relax, it can be our hobby. When we have spare time and we don't know what to do, we may, for example, go to play football with our friends or keep fit. I think that all of us should practise some sport because it makes us healthier, stronger, it gives us satisfaction, may protect us from illness and helps us to relieve stress.

Proszę o jak najszybsze sprawdzenie i poprawnie błędów - jeśli się znajdą! Będę przeogromnie wdzięczna!
Sport is very important in our life. (zdanie dobre, ale drugie zdanie nic sie nie laczy z pierwszym - troche cos nie tak). We spend a lot of time on
learning, working, watching TV, using computers. Sometimes we feel
bad, tired and often we live in (tutaj mozna dodac 'constant') stress. 'Then' (mona napisac...It is at times like these that) we need sport.
When we work in 'the' AN office or if we are students, we often sit on a chair for a long time. In this situation, we should run or play football, tennis, basketball, volleyball or other (ale other co? activities? se.?) after work.
Other people go to see (tu mozesz dodac 'live') football matches 'on' AT (mozna dodac 'various) stadiums.
But many people in Poland forget about 'the practice sport' (tego nie rozumiem).
When we have spare time and we don't know what to do, we may, for example, go 'to' AND play football with our friends or DO keep fit EXERCISES.

(A tak przy okazji, to dzisiaj jest National De-stress day w UK)
Poprawilam tylko te zdania ktore potrzeba, reszta ok.
We live WITH stress.
in and with give it a different meaning

A lot of people live in stress and some of them learn to live with it, and some don't.
Popatrzylam jeszcze raz na to, faktycznie...
'we live with stress' a 'we live in stress' to calkowicie inne pojecia.
Ja to tak widze, - 'with stress' - patrzyc sie z zewnatrz na situacje, 'in stress-stress jest w srodku nas'.
trochę zmieniłam:
Nowadays we spend most of our time on learning, working, watching TV, using computers. When we work in an office or if we are students, we often sit on a chair for a long time. Sometimes we feel bad, tired and often we live with stress. It is at times like these that we need sport. (trochę nie rozumiem tego zdania, mogłabyś go przetłumaczyć dosłownie?) In this situation, we should run, or play football, tennis, basketball, volleyball after work, school. Sport has been a part of people's life for a many years. Lot of people like watching sport on TV. We can often see many basketball and football matches there. I think that sport is very important, many people forget about it. Sport is very useful in our life. It helps us to relax, it can be our hobby. When we have spare time and we don't know what to do, we may, for axample, go and play football with our friends or do keep fit exercises. I think that all of us should practise some sport, because it makes us healthier, stronger, it gives us satisfaction, may protect us from illness and helps us to relieve stress.

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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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