proszę o sprawdzenie formalnego maila

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć wszystkim. Czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić mojego formalnego emaila i ewentualnie jeśli są błędy to poprawić je? Bardzo bym była wdzięczna.

Dear Mr Schmidt

I am writing to ask about your advertisement in the International Student Gazette for volunteet workers.

Could you tell me where the work is in Germany and how much public transport costs? I am a student so I have an "International Student Card".

I speak German fluently and I also speak English very well. i love children and I like spending time with them. I am very creative and responsible. I cook delicious dishes and I make colorful sandwiches.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes.

Keith Jenkins
I am writing to INQUIRE about your advertisement in the International Student Gazette for volunteeR workers.

Could you tell me where the work is (located) in Germany and how much public transportATION costs? I am a student so I have an "International Student Card".

I speak German fluently and I also speak English very well. I love children and I like spending time with them. I am very creative and responsible. I cook delicious dishes (albo meals) and I make colorful??? sandwiches.
>colorful??? sandwiches.

No co??? pomidoreczek, ogóreczek, rzodkieweczka, papryczka, szczypioreczek i już będzie kolorowo :)
wolalabym "tasty/delicious/scrumptions" sandwiches

"colourful" hamburgera tez potrafie przeprawic:
relish, mustard, ketchup...bardzo kolorowo :)


Business English