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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
rozprawka: wady i zalety pracy za granicą podczas wakacji

Holidays are break in learning. Every year more and more young people decide to go abroad and start work there. It’s fantastic way of spending free time and earning money for studying. Nevertheless, working abroad is not a bed of roses and it has also drawbacks.
Firstly, in new country you can meet lots of different and interesting people which can support you to do business or give you advices and new opinions. Secondly, its fantastic way of learning or practicing foreign languages. Because using the regional language is the only way to communicate with the locals. And improve language skills is very important if you apply for job later.
What is more business experience in different country makes your CV more attractive and help you gain recognition of your boss.
On the other hand, working abroad also has some disadvantages. For instance, all holidays you are far away family. And you can feel homesick. Moreover, ignorance of customs and rules of law could make that you get into big trouble.
On balance. Working abroad has as many advantages as negative aspects. And everybody must make up one’s mind about their holiday and work. You can choose staying in your own county and putting your feet up or turning yours hand to the plough and going abroad
Holidays are A break in 'learning' (learning-nie za bardzo, moze 'studying'). It's A fantastic way of spending free time and earning money for 'studying' STUDIES.
Firstly, in A/ANY new country you can meet lots of different and interesting
people 'which' (ale przeciez tutaj o ludziach mowimy, a 'which' nie uzywamy do ludzi) can support you 'to do' (nie rozumiem co chcesz powiedziec tutaj...IN? business or give you 'advices' (niema takiego slowa, jest ADVICE and new opinions. Secondly, its A fantastic way of learning or practicing
foreign languages. Because using the regional language OF THE COUNTRY is the only way to communicate with the locals. And 'improve' (pomysl o tym-zla czesc zdania) language skills is very important if you apply for A job later.
What is more, (przecinek) business experience in A different country makes your CV more attractive and helpS (it-helpS) you gain recognition 'of your boss' (chyba WITH...your boss).
For instance, DURING all 'holidays' (Nie, napisz to inaczej...THE TIME you are far away FROM YOUR family.
Moreover, ignorance of THE customs and THE rules of law could 'make' (zle slowo- tutaj moze RESULT IN that you get into 'big trouble' (to jest kolokw-poszukaj cos innego).
'On balance' (ale to nie jest zdaniem).
And everybody must make up 'one's' (zle uzycie 'one', nie uzywaj tego dopuki nie jestes pewny gdzie to ma byc...tutaj THEIR OWN mind about their holiday and work.
You can choose 'staying' TO STAY in your own county and 'putting' PUT your feet up or turning 'yours' YOUR (poczytaj o roznicy pomiedzy 'your' a 'yours') hand to the plough and going abroad.
(dobrze- tylko pamietaj o przedimkach 'a' i 'the')


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