Sprawdzenie opowiadania pilne

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
It was cold and rainy Friday, Beth was sitting on the train and trying to not fall asleep. She didn't want to miss station in Torquay, but she was tired. She opened a book and started to read. "Maybe it will help me to stay focus"- she whispered to herself. Then Beth felt that she is passing out. She tried to fight with tiredness, but trains clattering was making it impossible. Her head drooped.
Beth woke up with terrible headache. It was dark and she couldn't see anything. She started to groping for her bag. It was lying on the ground. She tooke out a flashlight and turned it on. In torchs light compartment looked horrifyingly. She looked around amd noticed taht her favourite book disappeared. She started to scrabbling around. She didn't know why but she was looking for it(jakby zależało od tego jej życie) like it would save her life. Beth was feeling confused. Then something grasped her leg. At this moment she noticed that her book is lying under her seat. She cauht it and whispered " I found it". Something released her.
Beth woke up in her compartment, lying on the ground. She sighed with relief and smiled- "It was only a dream". She looked at book, it was titled "Murder on the Orient Express".
It was A cold and rainy Friday, Beth was sitting on the train and trying to not fall asleep. She didn't want to miss THE station in Torquay, but she was tired. She opened a book and started to read. "Maybe it will help me to stay focusED," she whispered to herself. Then Beth felt that she is (zly czas) passing out. She tried to fight HER tiredness, but trains (cos tu brakuje- possesive) clattering was making it impossible. Her head drooped.
Beth woke up with terrible headache. It was dark and she couldn't see anything. She started (to groping- zly czas) for her bag. It was lying on the ground. She tooke out a flashlight and turned it on. In THE torchs (possessive) light THE compartment looked horrifying (moze lepiej terrifying). She looked around amd noticed tHAt her favourite book disappeared. She started to
>It was {a} cold and rainy Friday. Beth was sitting on the train and
>trying not {to} fall asleep. She didn't want to miss {the} station {at} Torquay,
>but she was tired. She opened a book and started to read. "Maybe it
>will help me to stay {awake,}" she whispered to herself. {Suddenly,} Beth felt
>that she {was losing awareness}. She tried to fight {her feeling of} tiredness, but {the clattering of the train} was making it impossible. Her head drooped.
>Beth woke up with {a} terrible headache. It was dark and she couldn't see
>anything. She started to {grope} for her bag. It was lying on the
>ground. She {took} out a flashlight and turned it on.
>{The} compartment looked {horrifying in the torch light}. She looked around {and} noticed {that}
>her favourite book {had} disappeared. ??She started to scrabbling around??. She
>didn't know why, but she was looking for it {as if her life was at stake}. Beth was feeling confused. {And} then
>something grasped her leg. At this moment she noticed that her book {was}
>lying under her seat. She {grabbed} it and whispered, "I{'ve} found it".
>??Something released her.??
>Beth woke up in her compartment, lying on the ground. She sighed with
>relief and smiled. "It was only a dream", {she thought}. She {took a quick look} at {the} book. It was
>titled "Murder on the Orient Express".
dołączam się z ogromna prośbą o jak najszybsze sprawdzenie jeślibyście oczywiście mogli. bardzo bym prosiła.

It was in 1999. It was summer. I was about six years old. I was drawing picture in room and my brother came too carried away my picture. I began behind it ran. He didn’t won’t returned me my picture. We were running for whole house and I ran in a big glass door. I was running very fast and glass in the door is broken. I was in shock. We didn’t know what was happening. Then my brother was crying and my mum came to us checked what was happened. She was taking me for hospital because I was cut up by window and blood flew me. I still remember her face. She was very worried. Finally the doctor set up me first aid and we returned for home. It was an awful day.
Napisz od nowa bez użycia translatora, to jest niezrozumiałe.

Użyć present simple narrative

Zacznij np. tak The year is 1999 ...
mieliśmy użyć past simple past continues, nie chcę przedobrzyć bo wyjdzie jeszcze gorzej, trudno napisać bez translatora jeśli mam duże braki w słownictwie.spróbuje co innego z innej mańki skoro to jest do luftu.dzieki:)
Jeśli masz tylko braki w słownictwie (a nie gramatyce czy konstrukcji zdania), to używaj słownika, nie translatora. Translator z gramatyki robi sieczkę.
The story begins in one afternoon in 1665. Isaac Newton was resting under an apple tree. He was sleeping and an apple fell on his head. He think about the falling apple for many years. Suddenly, he came up with the answer. Isaac was very excited. He started write a book about it. Finally, in 1687 he published his Theory of Gravitation. His book is one of the most important books in the history of science.

a jak to?? trochę krótsze ale mniejsza o to:P
ja się do angielskiego w ogóle nie nadaje ale jak mus to mus.;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie