Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie wypracowania! :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Chciałambym by ktoś kompetentny sprawdził moje wypracowanie ;) Bardzo się starałam, ale angielski nie jest moją najmocniejszą stroną :P

I live in beautiful city, Wroclaw in the south- west of Poland and I love my country! Poland has got amazing coast and sea in the north of Poland, and fantastic mountains in the south of Poland. They aren’t the highest mountains but I like them. I really love holidays above sea! They are always my favorites holidays!
Population of Poland is 38,6 mln people. I think that is big.
Capital city, Warsaw is nice, but Wroclaw is nicer than Warsaw! ;)
My city is coloured green! The city has got a lot gardens … Wroclaw is a friendly city, which welcomes tourists and encourages them to return …The city is located only 170 km from the geographical centre of Europe, 350 km from Berlin, 280 km from Prague, 390km from Vienna and 340 km from Warsaw, capital city :D. This is a useful!
Population of Wroclaw is 0,64 mln people because it’s a big town.
In Wrocław you can do many things: play in football, volleyball, basketball, running itp. But it is just sport :P. You can meet with friends in shopping centre, go to the cinema, go to pool hmm… I think that you can do take one’s pick :P
My favourite places are: the cinema Helios(because it’s places my meets with friends and fun), shopping centre ( because I shopping ;) ), ZOO, park by my home ( because it’s quiet and it has got amazing atmosphere! I often read there books :D).
I welcome to Wroclaw. This city is precious see!


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