witam, prosze o sprawdzenie ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
how are you? im writing because i've just read lovely book which i want to recommend to you. It's called "I wciąż ją kocham" written by Nicolas Sparks. It's love story set in New York. It's the story of a man John Tyree and his lover Savannach. At the beginning when John was younger we read a few fragments about him and his problems with dad, school and his self. Then he meet Savannach and everything is changing. He go to the usa army, which send him to the Afganistan. Now he must choose between pure love or loyalty his homeland. I wont tell you what he chose. You should read it! I liked the book couse its really grippinh and moving. When I started read it i really wanted to know what was going to happen next. I must tell you there are lots of surprises! Take care, Joanna :)

To miał być nieformalny list do znajomego z recenzją ksiązki ;)
Potrzeba do kogo to ma byc,

Dear XXXX,

How are you? 'im' ('I' zawsze piszemy duza litera) I'M writing because I've just read A lovely book which I want to recommend to you. It's called "I wciąż ją kocham" (a po angielsku- bo moze tylko ang,. beda to czytali) written by
Nicolas Sparks. It's A love story set in New York. It's the story of a
man John Tyree and his lover Savannach. At the beginning when John was
younger we read a few fragments about him and his problems with HIS dad,
school and his 'self' (cos tutaj nie tak). Then he meetS Savannach and everything 'is changing' CHANGES. He goES to the Usa army, which sendS him to 'the' (niepotr) Afganistan. Now he must choose between pure love or loyalty TO his homeland. I 'wont' WILL NOT tell you what he chose. You should read 'it' THE BOOK YOURSELF! I liked the book 'couse' (a co to za dziwactwo tutaj mamy, slowo o ktorym myslisz pisze sie BECAUSE) it's really grippinh and moving. When I started TO read it I really wanted to know what was going to happen next.(jest takie okreslenie, ze book jest 'page-turner, mozesz napisac...This book is a real page-turner). I must tell you THAT there are lots of surprises!
Take care,