NIE, wszystko nie jest dobrze, brak odpowiedzi oznacza, ze ludzie jeszcze z pracy nie przyszli.
(it also refers to the image- wg mnie brakuje kogo ta image ma byc)
Americans don't attach importance to 'the clothes or shoes' (ale nie napisales czy swoich czy innych ludzi - popraw). On the street you could notice people wearing 'pajama' (ale 'people' to l. mnoga, maja tylko jedna pajama?) or even women (z papilotami na głowie).
If they don't do that they can be simply (wyproszeni ze sklepu- napisz 'asked to leave')
2....for instance the 'patrol' (popraw to slowo- to jest blad) 'have finished' (piszemy 'has run out') or you don't know how to change the car's can be sure the police will help you.
(the local Police is utrzymywana z podatków mieszkańców- sam cos zaproponuj). Obviously you cant wrangle (z kim?)!
3.You are not allowed to drink 'an' (niepotr) 'alkohol' (ortog) in 'the' (niepotr) public places. (You can't even have 'en'(ortog) 'emty' (ortog) bottle or can with you.).
There is a curious 'think' (tutaj inne slowo) about it. If the police claim 'u' (napisz 'you') drink 'an' (niepotr) alcohol and they want to check your bag
you don't have to show it because 'this is' (tutaj napisz 'the bag') IS your private thing. You can also refuse when the police 'will want you to breathalyze' (nie, nie tak..napisz inaczej..when the police WANT to breathylyze you) .
So sometimes there is only one solution of checking if 'u' (you) are drunk
which is (Każą wtedy przejść prosto po linii-napisz swoja sugestie)