list formlany . pierszy raz pisany

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

In response to the advertisement placed in the "Metro", dated 02.12.2005 shall report his candidacy for the position of affairs specialist advertising.

I am a fifth year student at the Higher School of Economics at the Department of Finance and Advertising. Already obtained a discharge in October, I will defend the thesis (topic: "Creating a corporate image and advertising on the web").

As you can read in my CV in the last four years I worked in two companies as an expert on issues of advertising, where he expanded his knowledge of advertising and marketing. Jobs in England has allowed me to deepen their knowledge of English.

Intensity of work required of me a big commitment and full dedication. I am prepared to work in the marketing department, which requires a large cast work.

My education, experience in creating corporate image and passion for marketing will certainly allow me to fully meet the challenges of working in that capacity.

I wanted to add that my work is characterized by reliability, duties entrusted to me Do not put off for later. I am a thorough, conscientious and punctual.

We are pleased to declare in your convenience in order to elaborate my offer.
'Ladies and Gentlemen'
Listy zaczynamy Dear Sir or Madam,

In response to the advertisement placed in the "Metro", dated
02.12.2005 (Kto? co?) 'shall' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) report 'his' (dlaczego piszesz 'jego' czy ten list piszesz za kogos, czy niby od siebie?) candidacy for the position of 'affairs specialist advertising' (tu cos mi niegra).

(Kto Co? i czasownik) already obtained a 'discharge' (slowo calkowicie sie tutaj nie dnadaje) in October, I will defend the thesis (topic: "Creating a corporate image and advertising on the web").

As you can read in my CV in the last four years I worked in two
companies as an expert on THE issues of advertising, where 'he' (on - o kim tutaj piszesz?) expanded 'his' (jego? o kim tu mowa) knowledge of advertising and marketing. Jobs in England 'has' (jobs to jest l. mnoga, dostosuj czasownik do tego) allowed me to deepen 'their' (ich? o kim tu mowa) knowledge of English.

...Intensity of work required of me a big commitment and full dedication....(To nie jest zdaniem ang. popraw)
I am prepared to work in the marketing department, which requires a
large 'cast' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj, cast of thousands?) work.
......My education, experience in creating corporate image and passion for
marketing will certainly allow me to fully meet the challenges of
working in that capacity....(Lasdne zdanie, ale to jest przepisane z innego zrodla...kochanie nie rob tego)

I wanted to add that my work is characterized by reliability, duties
entrusted to me 'Do not put off for later' (tego nie rozumiem w tym zdaniu). I am a thorough, conscientious and punctual (ale co? tutaj potrzeba rzeczownika).

...We are pleased to declare in your convenience in order to elaborate my
offer...Tego zdania nawet nie rozumiem.




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