Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Chciałabym wiedzieć co może być nie tak w tych zdaniach. Bardzo proszę o wszelkie sugestie, jest to sprawa życia lub śmierci. Połowa to transformacje, a druga połowa to tłumaczenia.

1. Dinnah plays tennis better than any of her four brothers. They consider her a real professional.
Out of four none of Dinnah’s brothers beat her at tennis think she is a real professional.

2. Farmers say that the present low in turkey prices has been caused by massive imports in the first months of the year.
If so many turkeys hadn’t been imported in January and February, the current prices wouldn’t been so low.

3. I refused to sign the contract after my brother-in-law has found some unacceptable clauses in it.
If I hadn’t have my brother-in-law who had found some unacceptable clauses in the contract, I probably would have signed it. I’m afraid.

4. Hey Tom! What are you buying so much sugar for? asked Tina. ‘It’s none of your business’
Tom wouldn’t have been so unpleasant/replied like this to Tina, if she hadn’t asked about the purpose of buying so much sugar.

5. Alice is coming tonight. But please, don’t ask her about her former boyfriend. She’s suffered enough.
I wish my husband will not ask Alice about her former boyfriend when she would come tonight.

6. I told Rosie her behaviour was going to have disastrous effects.
I warned Rosie she was heading for some disastrous effects with her behavour.

7. The Browns have paid at least 1000 for their holiday in Malta, about 400 more than we did.
In comparison to the Browns’ holiday in Malta, ours were relatively cheap.

8. ‘If your sister doesn’t come by tomorrow, I’ll understand she’s given up the job. ‘said Mr Fox visibly upset.
When I saw Mr Fox last week, he seemed to be visibly upset and said that if my sister didn’t come by the next day, he would understand that she’d given up the job.

9. Some ten years ago you left politics and took up to business. Do you ever regret it?
Do you ever wish you hadn’t left politics for a career in business?

10. Take one pill on Monday, then another one on Wednesday, than the next on Friday, an so on.
The doctor has told me to take one pill every second day.

11. Sue oświadczyła, że wychodzi za mąż za tego piłkarza z Hondurasu, co wszystkie jej przyjaciółki uważają za duży błąd.
Sue has declared she is getting married to this football player from Honduras, what all her friends consider to be a huge mistake.

12. Z początku Pan Rich chciał, żeby nawet najmniej zdolni z jego uczniów mówili po angielsku z akcentem jak w BBC. Ale stopniowo okazało się że to nierealistyczne.
At firts, Mr Rich wanted all his the least bright of his pupils to speak English with the BBC accent. Gradually, it’s appeared to be not realistic.

13. Moim zdaniem najzabawniejszy wierszyk Adama to ten o kocie w żółtym autobusie.
In my opinion, the funniest Adam’s poem is the one about the cat in the yellow bus.

14. Cały czas rozmawialiśmy po niemiecku. Nie mogliśmy używać angielskiego, bo p. Brock nie zrozumiałby ani słowa.
We were speaking German all the time. We couldn’t use English, because Mr Brock wouldn’t have understand a word.

15. Nie traktujmy Maksa tak jak innych studentów. Jego nigdy nie uczono formalnej gramatyki.
Let’s not treat Max just as the other students. He has never been taught the official grammar.

16. Dopóki Ann się nie wyprowadzi, będziesz musiał zostać u wujka.
Until Ann will not move out, you have to stay in your uncle’s.


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