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Studying is a waste of time and Money – article - article

Have you ever thought how significant or necessary are your studies? Try to think over the spheres of your life and give some thought to the usefulness of the knowledge acquired during studying period. Probably you will not find many links with academic teaching in everyday situations like at work, at home or in social relations. So, isn’t studying just a waste of time and money?
Let us go over the subjects taught at the university with a toothcomb. Firstly, we have statistics, mathematics, detailed history of everything, language connotations, and, of course, Latin. How often do you use any bit of this ‘incredibly important’ knowledge? It does not go hand in hand with the duties we have to face in our work place. Moreover, it is not a common topic for conversations, instead of sharing the notes with co-students, or one we start during the breakfast time.
Instead of unimportance of the subjects there is still a matter more mundane like getting a job. Like it or not, we should be aware that nowadays it strictly depends on our connotations and social relations. Getting a well-paid job right after studies is almost impossible without a loving uncle on the position of company manager and the like.
The truth is that “there are set rules and regulations concerning syllabus, which are created for the students’ development” said once my teacher. Some professors and methodologists claim, that learning various subjects broadens the mind and creative thinking. Whether we agree or not, it is nearly a tradition to go for studies wasting valuable time rather than train useful skills. Hopefully the phrase ‘per aspera ad astra’ will fulfill.
Try to think over the spheres of your life and give some thought to
the usefulness of the knowledge acquired during THE/YOUR studying period.
Let us go over the subjects taught at 'the' A university with a
Moreover, it is not a common topic 'for' OF conversations, instead of
sharing the notes with co-students, or one we start during 'the' (niepotr)
breakfast time.
Instead of 'unimportance' (poszukaj inne slowo) of the subjects there is still a matter FAR more mundane like getting a job. Like it or not, we should be aware that nowadays it strictly depends on our 'connotations' (zle slowo ) and social relations.
Getting a well-paid job right after studies is almost impossible
without a loving uncle 'on' (zle slowo) the position of company manager and 'the
like' (a co to jest 'the like' - o czym mowa).
The truth is that “there are set rules and regulations concerning THE 'syllabus' (ale przeciez jak styudiujesz wiecej jak jeden przedmiot to sylabii?), which are created for the students' development" 'said once' (zla kol slow- raz mowil) my teacher.
Whether we agree or not, it is 'nearly' (napisz slowo ALMOST) a tradition to go for studies 'wasting' WHICH WASTE valuable time rather than TO train (tu cos brakuje IN?) useful skills. Hopefully the phrase 'per aspera ad astra' will fulfill.
(ale jednak jak sam widzisz Latin tak Ci sie przydaje w codziennym zyciu)
and the like= itp.

Dzieki za pomoc:)


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