How to build successful team? -proszę o sprawdz :)

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People in every workplace talk about building a team. But only a few know what it means. I will try to explain how to build successful team. Firstly, we must understand that people who belong to a team they must get to know each other very well. If you know someone you are able to relay on that person and you can see his or her strengths and weakness. That’s why companies should organize some trips or parties for all team workers. Secondly, team colleagues should try to listen to each other and try to understand that they have the same goals. If they understand that they aiming the same they will be more helpful. What is more, team members should be open and they should not afraid to speak their mind. That’s why on a team meetings they shouldn’t criticize each other because it kills creativity and new ideas. On the meetings they should leave last part to discuss problems after listening all suggestions. When team members do all this hints with respect to each other, they will probably build a successful team.
I will try to explain how to build A successful team. Firstly, we must understand that people who belong to a team 'they' (niepotr) must get to know each other very well. If you know someone you are able to 'relay' RELY on that person and you can see his or her strengths and weaknessES.
If they understand that they aiming FOR the same GOAL (albo 'towards the same goal) they will be more helpful. What is more, team members should be open and they should not BE afraid to speak their mind. That's why 'on' AT 'a' (niepotr) team meetings they shouldn't criticize each other because it kills creativity and new ideas. 'On' AT the meetings they should leave THE last part to discuss problems after listening TO all suggestions. When THE team members 'do' (nie, lepiej TAKE NOTE OF all 'this' THESE hints with respect to each other, they will probably build a successful team.
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