List.Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, bardzo prosze Was o pomoc w sprawdzeniu tego krótkiego tekstu. Bardzo mi zależy na tym żeby był poprawnie napisany, a nie mam kogo poprosić o taka pomoc w domu.

Hi, I am writing to express my opinion on the views presented in the article. You are saying that telling lies in the internet is a really bad thing, and what is more it is propagation lies, but I do not agree with that fact.
In my opinion when somebody writing lies in the internet is not OK when he or she for example wants to order something, and than that person giving false personal informaction. In that sytuactions I agree with the article's author, but when somebody giving so called "white" lies than there is nothing wrong. It is just for fun and readers should close one's eyes to the text to turn a blind eye on, and reading this with a critical distance.
In the end I must say that I do not see enything wrong in giving lies in the internet, but befor write something people should just remember to always thik twice, and be carefol because sometimes the lie bocomes the truth

Z góry bardzo dziękuje, jest to mój 2 tekst, który wstawiam na tę strone i mam nadzieję, że na ten też ktoś rzuci okiem :*
I am writing to express my opinion on the views presented in the
article (tutaj napisz o czym on byl).
You 'are saying' (nie, bo article jest napisany- tutaj trzeba STATE) that telling lies 'in' ON the internet is a really bad thing, and what is more it is 'propagation lies' (cos tu nie tak), but I do not agree with that fact.
In my opinion when somebody IS writing lies 'in' ON the internet IT is not OK
when he or she for example wants to order something, and 'than that
person giving false personal 'informaction' (ortog)' (tego nie rozumiem). In 'that' THOSE 'sytuactions' (ortog) I agree with the article's author, but when somebody IS 'giving' TELLING so called "white" lies 'than' THEN there is nothing wrong. It is just for fun and readers should close 'one's' (nie pisz tego 'one' tak to slowo nie uzywamy - tutaj THEIR eyes to the text 'to turn a blind eye on' (cos tu nie tak), and 'reading' READ 'this' IT with a critical distance.
In the end I must say that I do not see 'enything' (ortog) wrong in 'giving' TELLING lies 'in' ON the internet, but 'befor' (ortog) writING something people should just remember to always 'thik' (ortog) twice, and be 'carefol' (ortog) because sometimes the lie 'bocomes' (ortog) the truth.
wielkie dzieki


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