Answer the questions

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jakby był ktoś miły i sprawdził, prosze. Bede wdzieczna.

1.How long hae you known her?
I've known her for abaot 6 years now.
2.Where did you meet?
We meet at school.
3.Why do you get on weel?
Because we speak often.
4.What do you have in common?
We like to spend time together, shop, go to the cinema.
5. Do you ever argue? What about?
Yes, I do.I share the same views and hardly ever argue.
6. How often do you see each other?
We see every day in school and on the weekends.
7. How do you keep in touch the rest of the time?
In a rest time spędzam czas z rodziną
8.Have you ever lost touch? Why? When?
No heaven't because I always come to a compromise.
9. Do you think you will stay friends?
Yes, because we will always meet up in college.
1.How long 'hae' (co to jest? literowka-popraw) you known her?
I've known her for 'abaot' (popraw to slowo) 6 years now.
2.Where did you meet?
We 'meet' (zly czas-popraw) at school.
3.Why do you get on 'weel' (ortog)?
Because we speak (do kogo? tutaj nie napisalas) often.
4.What do you have in common?
We like to spend time together, shop, go to the cinema. - ok
5. Do you ever argue? What about?
Yes, I do. I share the same views and hardly ever argue.- to zdanie niema sensu. Najpierw mowisz ze 'I argue' a pozniej ' ze nigdy' jak to tak?
6. How often do you see each other?
We see every day in school and 'on' (zle- naucz sie tego i nie pisz bzdur - ma byc AT) the weekends.
7. How do you keep in touch the rest of the time?
In a rest time 'pędzam czas z rodziną' (to jest po polsku- a nie odpowiada na pytanie
8.Have you ever lost touch? Why? When?
No (tutaj brakuje kto) 'heaven't' (ortog) because I always come to a compromise.- to zdanie nie odpowiada na pytanie
9. Do you think you will stay friends?
Yes, because we will always meet up in college - ok

I prosze pisac powoli i nie robic bledow ortog. bo to mnie wscieka, zamiast sprawdzac 'content' musze zwracac Ci uwage na zle napisane slowa. To zadna przyjemnosc.
1.How long heave you known her?
I've known her for about 6 years now.
2.Where did you meet?
We met at school.
3.Why do you get on well ?
Because we often talk about our problems.
4.What do you have in common?
We like to spend time together, shop, go to the cinema.
5. Do you ever argue? What about?
Yes, I do. (tylko nie wiem dlaczego)
6. How often do you see each other?
We see every day in school and at the weekends.
7. How do you keep in touch the rest of the time?
In a rest time spend time with my family.
8.Have you ever lost touch? Why? When?
No, I heaven’t because I always come to a compromise.
9. Do you think you will stay friends?
Yes, because we will always meet up in college

Teraz ok?
.How long 'heave' (co to za slowo jest?) you known her?
5. Do you ever argue? What about?
Yes, I do. (tylko nie wiem dlaczego)...Tutaj pytanie uzywa 'you' w l. mnogiej, i odpowiedz powinna byc w l. mnogiej. Yes WE do. We argue about.....
7. How do you keep in touch the rest of the time?
'In a' DURING rest OF THE time 'spend time with my family' (tutaj nie odpowiadasz na pytanie....keep in touch - how?.
8.Have you ever lost touch? Why? When?
No, I 'heaven't' (co to za slowo jest?) because I always come to a compromise. Tutaj nie odpowiadasz na pytanie..Lost touch-Why? How?


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