pomoc w pracy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy mógł by mi ktoś powiedzieć o co w tym chodzi, bo nie bardzo rozumiem.

In pairs, tell each other about three of the following. Gie as much information as you can.

1. A machine you used to use a lot but don't any more.
2. A friend you used to hae but who you've lost touch with.
3. A teacher at school you used to hate.
4. A sport you used to play but don't any more.
5. A singer you used to listen to a lot and who you still like.
6. A food or drink you didn't use to like nut like now.
7. An actor you used to like a lot but don't any more.
Wybierz 3 tematy z podanych i w parach porozmawiajcie na te tematy.
ok, ale o co chodzi w tych tematach?
1.A machine that once I used it very often dryer. I do not use it because it destroys the hair and consumes a lot of energy.

6. A drink once I did not like milk, because it was tasteless. But now I drink only cold.

7.Jack Nicholson, for me, is the only actor who can inspire me laugh a lot of excitement, emotion, and even fear.

Tak może byc?
NIE, nie moze byc, tos ty nawet nie jestes dobry i nie wiesz jak formuluje sie zdania po ang.

1.A machine that once I used 'it very often dryer' (zmien to, bo to mnie juz razi).
..I do not use it because it destroys the hair and consumes a lot of energy...OK
6. A drink 'once' (w zlym miejscu) I did not like milk, because it was tasteless.
...But now I drink only cold...(cold beer, cold whisky, cold tea- mam zgadywac?)
7.Jack Nicholson, for me, is the only actor who can inspire me TO laugh 'a
lot of excitement, emotion, and even fear' (cos tu nie tak)
1.A machine that once I used to very often it hairdryer. I don’t use it because it destroys the hair and consumes a lot of energy.
6. I did not like milk, because it was tasteless. But now I drink only cold water and tea.
7. Jack Nicholson, for me, is the only actor who could inspire me, his acting game, brought about many emotions and feelings, even fear.
1.A machine that once I used 'to' (niepotr) very often 'it' IS A hairdryer.
a reszta jest dobrze?
6. I did not like milk, because it was tasteless. But now I drink only cold water and tea.

Te zdania są nielogiczne.

Nie lubiłam mleka, ponieważ było bez smaku. Ale teraz piję tylko zimną wodę i herbatę.

Po polsku też jest nielogiczne.

Może zamień czas przeszły na teraźniejszy w tym zdaniu o mleku, a z drugiego zdania wyrzuć ale/but, bo niczego tym drugim zdaniem nie kontrastujesz.

7. Jack Nicholson, for me, is the only actor who could inspire me, his acting game, brought about many emotions and feelings, even fear.

...inspire me. His acting game brings about...
6. I did not like milk, because it was tasteless. But now I drink only cold water and tea.

6. I did not like milk, because it was tasteless. But now it tastes better to me cold milk.
7. Jack Nicholson, for me, is the only actor who could inspire me, his acting game brings about many emotions and feelings, even fear.

tak dobrze?
Gorzej :) Jakieś zimne mleko tam się przyplątało.

Do wyboru:

1. I do not like milk because it is tastless. I only drink cold water and tea.
2. I do not like warm milk because it is tasteless. Cold milk tastes better for me.

Zdanie o Jacku N. poprawiłam Ci wyżej.
tastes better to me, nie for me.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.