E-mail do sparawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę tak jak w temacie o sprawdzenie błędów

Dear aunt Ann,
I had just fineshed writing matura exam. The exam was very easy and it wasn’t dificult to pass it. I’m really glad that I fly tomorrow to you. My plane lift-of at 8 a.m tomorrow. I have to pack up presents for you and your children and a lot of clothes. I had bought some polish books for you, but I would like to know what should I buy for you from Poland. Do you have some wishes?
See you soon,
I 'had' HAVE just 'fineshed' (ortog) writing MY matura exam. The exam was very easy and it wasn't dificult to pass. 'it' (niepotr). I'm really glad that I AM flyING tomorrow to you. My plane 'lift-of' DEPARTS at 8 a.m tomorrow.
I 'had' HAVE bought some Polish books for you, but I would like to know what 'should I buy for you' (moze ...what presents you would like) from Poland. Do you have 'some wishes' (napisz 'any ideas?')?
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