
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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Dear Sir or Madam !

I am Whiting to complain about a computer that I bought In your shop on Monday in last week.
When I got home and took in out of the box . I was not pleased to find it is broken. As if this were not enough. The computer doesn’t come on.
My friend who, is expert an the computer , tried solve a problem. But he can’t solve a problem. You try start the computer.
In addition I think that shop assistant will go to the my house and he repair my computer.
My opinion they solve a problem for free because I am pay expensive the computer.
I look forward to hearing from you in he near future.

Yours fainfully
i znowu te przedimki - ludzie.....

Dear Sir or Madam, ( !) (prosze nie uzywac tego wykrzyknika, w zadnym podreczniku tegoi nie spotkasz, to dlaczego to kladziesz tutaj?)

I am 'Whiting' (ortog) to complain about a computer that I bought 'In' (mala litera) your shop on Monday 'in' (niepotr) last week.
When I got home and took 'in' (zle slowo) out of the box I was not pleased to find THAT it 'is' (tutaj czas przeszly) broken. (tutaj cos brakuje) As if this 'were' (l. poj) not enough 'The' (mala litera) computer doesn't come
My friend who(,) (dlaczego tutaj jest przcinek?) is (tu cos brakuje) expert 'an' (zle sloowo) the computer , tried (tu cos brakuje) solve 'a' THE (bo przeciez masz konkretny problem, prosze naopuczyc sie NA PAMIEC tych przedimkow i pisac ich poprawnie) problem. But he can't solve 'a' THE problem. ....You try start the computer...(tego zdania nie rozumiem, czy to ma byc jakis rozkaz - jak tak to dla kogo?)
In addition I think that shop assistant 'will go' (tego nie rozumiem) to 'the' (to chyba ozdoba zdania, ale tutaj niepotr) my house and he (tu cos brakuej)repair my computer.
My opinion 'they' (kto to niby jest ten 'they'?) solve a problem for free because I am 'pay' (zle slowo) 'expensive the computer' (bzdury, napisz to porawnie).
I look forward to hearing from you in 'he' (ortog) near future.
Yours 'fainfully' FAITHFULLY,


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