sprawdzcie czy dobrze jest napisane..

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My last holiday I spent in Gdansk.It's very beautiful city.There're many cafes, museums,
restaurants . I was on a lot of tours. The weather was fantastic. The sun shined and blowed
weak wind.I was swimming and playing volleyball there.I was sitting ,sunbathing and walking
on the beach. I was meeting new friends,too.There are very friendly people.I bought some souvenirs
for my mum and my friends. I sent many postcards.In my free time, I was reading books and watching
tv. When i was back to my home I play football and play computer games.I can't forget this holiday. z gory thx za spr
I spent my at holidays in Gdańsk. It is a very beautiful city. There were many cafes, museums and restaurants. I took part in many tours. The weather was fantastic. The sun was shining all days and the light wind was blowing.
In my free time, I was often swimming, playing volleyball, reading books and watching TV. I was also sunbathing and walking along the beach. I met many new friens there. They were very friendly. I bought some souvenirs for my mum and for my friends. I sent also many postcards to them.
When I went back home I was playing football and computer games. I had a really nice holidays which I never forget.

całkiem nieźle, mało błędów :)
friens czy friends ? dzieki :)
pewnie, że fRiends :)
were stosujemy do l. mn. tak na przyszłosc pytam ?
niekoniecznie, do drugiej osoby w l.p. też.
I was
you were
he/she/it was
we were
you were
they were
>I spent my at holidays in Gdańsk.
Bez "at". Poza tym chyba jest jakaś różnica między holiday a holidays.

>The sun was shining all days
Napisałabym: every day.

>I was often swimming, playing volleyball, reading books and watching TV.
Nie może być "often" z czasem continuous.

>I met many new friens there.
I met there a lot of new friends.

>I sent also
I also sent them a lot of posstcards.

>which I never forget.
which I will never forget.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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