Sprawdzi mi to ktoś mądrzejszy:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My name is Łukasz ****, I am twenty two years old, I was born on 28.10.1984 and I am under sign scorpion. I live in Istebna but I was born in Cieszyn. Istebna is beautifully located , it is visited by many national and foreign tourists. It is an attractive place to visit because od its beatiful sceneries and many relics of culture. I study in **** in ****, my school is about 40 km from where I live. I go to school by my car. I study tourism and I want to connect my future with it. In future I would like to work in a touristic office as tourist guide. At present however it works in occupation which I have skilled with technical school and namely I am cook and it works in restaurant in Wisła. Work this lets me many satisfactions as well as experience. It works in very nice atmosphere however this is not this what I would like to do in life therefore I went at studies. And studies is finish for me this with at present only challenge.
However if this walks about my family it is us five, two younger sisters, parents and I. Father it is mechanic and mother occupies oneself home farm.Weronika older sister works in hotel and younger sister Kasia learns at lyceum. I in free time read books, I play in chesses or spend with friends time also.
I like animals very, I have beyond animals of home farm home animals such also how: Dog - Emir, cat, canary - Kubuś.
Touring is in life my dream apart from completion the studies also how the most of countries of world. I had already opportunities to see Paryż , Berlin....it is this beautiful something which stays in memory to end of life.
Jeżeli sa jakieś błędy to proszę o ich poprawienie...z góry dziękuję:)
napisz to uzywajac ang. gramatyki - jak nie umiesz tyle, napisz co umiesz. Prosze nie uzywaj translatora.
....However if this walks about my family it is us five..
....I like animals very.
Tutaj trzeba kazde zdanie przepisac - a za ciebie pracy nie bede robila.


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