Jak to przetlumaczyc na polski? Prosze o pomoc!!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze was o pomoc!!

usisluje przetlumaczyc umowe o prace dla szefa i proszę was o pomoc przy nastepujacych zdaniach:

1."A limited contract will be renewed automatically should the employee continue the Employment after the expiry date set out in Clause 3 above where the Company does not otherwise object and unless either the company or the employee has given wirtten notification to the other at least 15 days prior to the expiry date declining to renew the employment. Any employment under a Limited Contract renewed under the Clause shall be deemed to be an unlimited contarct for any period od renewal".

2. umowa zostala zawarta miedzy X a (i tu prosze o pomoc) "_________ holder of pasport no.______________ of ____________)

z gory dziekuje !!!


Praca za granicą


Pomoc językowa