
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jednym z celów strategii dotyczącej wprowadzenia reformy emerytalnej jest:
"lifetime consumption smoothing". Co to może być??

(Mogę podać jeszcze inny cel, żeby kontekst był szerszy: "poverty reduction among the aged")
Jakieś przypuszczenia...?
>"lifetime consumption smoothing". Co to może być??

utrzymanie jednolitego standardu ekonomicznego przez cale zycie (zeby przez cale zycie jazda od pierwszego do pierszego byla stala i spokojna... smoothe ride...smooth sailing)

First, they prefer a higher standard of living to a lower standard of living. In other words, people want the highest level of consumption spending they can get. Second, most people prefer to have a roughly constant standard of living through time. They do not like to live on a roller coaster, with one year of feast followed by a year of famine.1

Put together, these two goals suggest that we assume that people try to maintain the highest, smooth consumption path that they can get.
smoothing - wygladzenie, czyli zmniejszenie nieciaglosci w dochodach,
inaczej mowiac spowodowanie, zeby emeryt mogl zaspokajac swoje potrzeby
konsumpcyjne nie gorzej niz osoba pracujaca. Podaje przyklad nie byle
skad, bo z uniwersytetu w Oksfordu:

Modigliani found that consumers have a smooth consumption function,
preferring to spread their consumption evenly over their lifetimes.
The central assumption is that the individual does not expect to receive
or give inheritance, preferring to consume his resources evenly over
his lifetime (consumption smoothing), implying that people will save
while they work and spend when they retire.
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