pomozcie mi to przetlumaczyc...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
musze przetlumaczyc 20 wersow z canterbury tales, na jutro...nie dam rady sama tego zrobic...pomozcie!!!troche mam ale wyszly mi takie glupoty ze sama nie wiem o co chodzi
1. Once on a time was dwelling in Oxford
2. A wealthy lout who took in guests to board,
3. And of his craft he was a carpenter.
4. A poor scholar was lodging with him there,
5. Who'd learned the arts, but all his phantasy
6. Was turned to study of astrology;
7. And knew a certain set of theorems
8. And could find out by various stratagems,
9. If men but asked of him in certain hours
10. When they should have a drought or else have showers,
11. Or if men asked of him what should befall
12. To anything- I cannot reckon them all.
13. This clerk was called the clever Nicholas;
14. Of secret loves he knew and their solace;
15. And he kept counsel, too, for he was sly
16. And meek as any maiden passing by.
17. He had a chamber in that hostelry,
18. And lived alone there, without company,
19. All garnished with sweet herbs of good repute;
20. And he himself sweet-smelling as the root


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