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poeople do all kinds of thing to their bodies to look attractive. They go on diets, have body piercing or an original tattoo , depending on wath is fashionable. But there are cultures where ideals of beauty have not changed for centuries. Girls from Padung trible in Burma have a brass spiral put around their neck and when they grow they get a new spiral that makes their neck longer. In Africa some tribles find long ears or large lips beautiful and girls have to suffer to have them stretched. But not only women want to look attractive. In some Indian tribes men tattoo their faces, in others, for example in Sudan, they cover their bodies with scaesfor decoration. As you can see, looking attractive means different things to different cultures and the definition of beauty ddepends on whitch part of the world we live in.
Ty przetlumacz, bo widac, jak byk ze tego nie pisales - w takie sztuczki sie zabierasz?. Chcesz miec po polsku, zeby wtedy zaimponowac nauczycielowi jakis ty dobry z ang. jestes. 'A Tu babka koszyczki nosila' - jak nie wiesz co to znaczy to zapytaj sie swojej mamy albo nawet babci.
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