"nie grzeszyć skromnością" jak to powiedzieć?

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czy jest jakiś zwrot po angielsku, który odpowiadałby polskiemu: "nie grzeszyć skromnością"? zna może ktoś jakiś idiom na to? z góry dziękuje za pomoc.
he's boastful
Or he can be quite a mouth harp :) Yes, such 'arts and farts operators' are ten
a penny everywhere.
Trying to reflect the meaning of your sentence most accurately , I think you can also say something like "braggery is the virtue that he's by no means a stranger to" but again I’m not sure if it sounds ‘ok’ to our natives’ ears. :)

Or alternatively, you can just say that he's a big mouth.
podobne, choć w trochę innym kontekście

big head, blowhard, to crow about sth, braggard (old-fashioned)
jeszcze, żeby pomóc

cocky, full of oneself, swanky, swollen-headed i znalazłem jeszcze takie bardziej literackie vainglorious
*the virtue is to be understood parenthetically of course.
he's not one to hide his light under a bushel
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