Is it correct?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jakie tu są błady? Czy są? Nie proszę o zmianę treści ani zdan a o poprawę zdań. Dziękuję i pozdrawiam.

" I learn English because I would like to travel around the world. I want to leave Poland and work in other country. English is the most popular language in the world, we can communicate in this language almost in every country. In the future I want to live in foreign country and I think I will find a good job there.
There are many English pages in the Internet and I often don't understand everything.
I also learn English beacuse I would like to go to school with linguistic profile.
I have to learn English because my mum wants me to, but I think this language is easy to learn. "

Chodzi mi to czy są te zdania poprawnie gramatycznie, czy jakieś słówka trzeba przestawić a może jakieś niewłaściwe dobrałem? W przedostatnim akapicie chodzi mi o szkołe średnią z profilem językowym (a raczej klasę o takim profilu).
Dzięki z pomoc z góry
" I (AM LEARNING or STUDYING) English because I would like to travel around the world. I want to leave Poland and work in (ANOTHER COUNTRY or OTHER COUNTRIES). English is the most popular language in the world (AND) we can communicate in this language almost in every country. In the future I want to live in (A) foreign country and I think I will find a good job there.
There are many English pages (ON) the Internet and (OFTEN I) don't understand everything.
I (AM ALSO LEARNING or STUDYING) English beacuse I would like to go to (A) school with (A LANGUAGE ARTS PROGRAM)
I have to learn English because my mum wants me to, but I think this language is easy to learn. "
A tak swoją drogą dlaczego nie może być "I learn English" skoro uczę się go regularnie od jakiegoś czasu i mam zamiar uczyć się dalej? To nie jest na zasadzie "I go to school..."??

Noi tak wogóle to : Thank you, thank you, thank you... :)))
Z takiego smiesznego internetowego podr. do gram.:
(zamieszczam ja na 7 dni tu: )

Present continuous, function

As with all tenses in English, the speaker's attitude is as important as the
time of the action or event. When someone uses the present continuous,
they are thinking about something that is ***unfinished or incomplete***.

The present continuous is used:

l to describe an action that is going on at this moment e.g. You are using the
Internet. You are studying English grammar.

***l to describe an action that is going on during this period of time or a trend, e.g.
Are you still working for the same company? More and more people are becoming

Zestawmy go z tym:

The simple present is used:

1. to express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging
situations, emotions and wishes:
I smoke (habit); I work in London (unchanging situation); London is a
large city (general truth)

"Learn" opisuje raczej proces niz konkretne dzialanie, stad powinienes uzyc czasu ciaglego.
Naprawdę bardzo, bardzo dziękuję. :)