proszę o sprawdzenie!!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
School of the future.

School is institution which is connected with duty and responsibility. Meny students don`t like it, but in the future it will be change.
In 2050 my ideal school building will be blue and yellow , and it will situate near the lake about 5 minutes way from my home. There will be classrooms which have got different bright colors. Outside, there will be large gym with modern sport equipment
where pupils can develop their skills.
On every desk will be laptop connected with internet, projector and teacher`s computer, so that he can send information to students and see, what they are doing.
My future students won`t write and carry school bag, exercise books because they will have own computers. Everyone can record a lesson and send it an e-mail with homework to teacher.
Furthermore students will wear special uniform. Pupils will learn only subjects like: math, informatic, drama or chemistry.
Teachers will organizing a lot of school trips to the other planet like Mars or Neptune.
They will be more easy-going and sensitive.
Our grading system will change too. Now teachets usually see our behaviour and then have opinion about us. In the future grades should be less important, because teachers will improve our talent and skills by the computer.
In 2050 teaching methods will be different. People who teach us will use computers to explain the beauty of world. The natural exhibits won`t in use, everything will be digital.
However the structure of the educational system will be the some: primary school, secondary school, college. This system is good because it prepare us for live and gradually develop our skills.

School in the future will be more efficient by of the high technology. Learning will be a pleasure and some kind of relax.
przyznam ze mi sie nie chce calego czytac:) la napewno powinno byc zamiast "meny students" "many students". i wydaje mi sie ze powinno byc school IN the future a nie, OF the future. ale nie jestem pewna bo sama mam z takimi rzeczami problemy... co jest zle dalej to nie wiem bo jakos nie mam sily tego czytac ale moze ci to poprawie pozniej:)
bede czekała:)
Sorry, ale prawie w kazdym zdaniu jest cos do zmiany. Wysle poprawione jak tylko zrobie.
Dzięki, czekam....
>but in the future it will be change

... it will change


jak już to Information Technology albo Computer Science

>Everyone can record a lesson and
>send it an e-mail with homework to teacher.

send an email

>and it will

and it will be situated

>Teachers will organizing

will be organizing
Poprawilam, ale nie gniewaj sie. Sprawdz gdzie sa roznice i dlaczego.
School of the future.
School is an institution which is associated with duties and responsibilities. Many students do not like it ( it is now), but in the future it will change (or ..future there will be changes).
In 2050 my ideal school building will be coloured blue and yellow and will be situated near a lake, about a 5 minute walk away from my home. Each of the classrooms (or the classrooms) will be painted in a different bright colour. Nearby, there will be a large gym with modern sports equipment where students (albo pupils albo students ale przez calosc potzebna jest consistencja) can develop their skills (jakie? moze byc physical skills).
On every desk there will be a laptop connected to the internet, the projector and to the teacher's computer, so that the teacher can send information to the students and at the same time see what the students are doing (or ..what each student is doing).
My future (or in the future) students will not write or carry school bags full of exercise books because (moze byc...books 'as' zaniast because) they will have their own computers. Everyone will be able to record a lesson and send their homework via the e-mail to the teacher. Furthermore, the students will wear special uniforms and will learn subjects like Mathematics, Information Technology, Drama or Chemistry.
Teachers will organize (or...will be organizing) a lot of school trips to other planets such as Mars or Neptune. They (the teachers? or the planets? lepiej The teachers) will be more easy-going and sensitive.
Our grading system will change too. Nawadays, the teachers usually see our performance (czyny po polsku) and then have an opinion about us, but in the future the grades will be less important because the teachers will improve our talents and skills by the usage of the computer.
In 2050 the teaching methods will also be different. People who teach (teachers?) will use computers to explain the beauty of the world. Natural exhibits will no longer be in use (or no longer be used) as everything will be digital.
However, the structure of the education system will remain the same: primary school, secondary school, college (university?). This system is good (or..system works very well) because it prepares us for life and gradually develops our skills. In the future, schools will be more efficient due to the usage of high technology. Learning will be a pleasure and a kind of relaxation.
I live in city called Kaunas. I'd like to live in our capital Vilnius,becouse there are much more entertaiment....:) Today it is cloudy....:/ but not very cold. :) why do you want to live in another city? Do you know somebody from Lithuania? You are the first girl with whom I'm writing in English, it's strange but interresting...;)
> HI...In Poland are sunny day(is spring)I live in Łódz but I'd like live in another city:)and you?do you like live in your city?
I live in city called Kaunas. I'd like to live in our capital Vilnius,becouse there are much more entertaiment....:) Today it is cloudy....:/ but not very cold. :) why do you want to live in another city? Do you know somebody from Lithuania? You are the first girl with whom I'm writing in English, it's strange but interresting...;)
I live in city called Kaunas. I'd like to live in our capital Vilnius,becouse there are much more entertaiment....:) Today it is cloudy....:/ but not very cold. :) why do you want to live in another city? Do you know somebody from Lithuania? You are the first girl with whom I'm writing in English, it's strange but interresting...;)
ślicznie dziękuje:) Jesteś nieoceniona:)
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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


CAE - sesja letnia 2005