stated purpose...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
They say it will open a Pandora's box of genetic manipulation of dangerous viruses and may even end up defeating the WHO's stated purpose, which is to be ready with treatment should smallpox be released.

niech mi toktos przetlumaczy ten czlon bo nierozumie o co chodzi


stated purpose, which is to be ready with treatment should smallpox be released.
stated purpose - a purpose that has been stated
oficlajny (ogłoszony) cel
ale o co chodzi z tym smallpox
with treatment should smallpox be released
bo wirus ospy prawdziwej juz nie grasuje po siwcie, tlyko jest przechowywany w laboratoriach. 'release" znaczy 'wypuscic ten wirus'
should smallpox be released = if smallpox should be released
gdyby jednak doszlo do wydostania sie wirusa


CAE - sesja letnia 2005