
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy ktoś może mi pomóc? Mam kilka zdań, w których trzeba wybrać 1 formę z 3 podanych tak, aby idiom był poprawny:
1) They were at a social event but they talked kiosk/shop/store all evening.
2) She\'s our best sales rep.She\'s really got the gift/skill/talent of the gab.
3) When they told me I was fired I was at a lack/loss/shortage for words.
4) She lost the notes for her talk so she had to speak off the collar/cuff/sleeve.
5) He wanted a 30%discount and 90 days\' credit!We weren\'t even talking the same language/meaning/words.
6) I haven\'t got the information to hand but, off the top of my brain/head/mind , I\'d say about 2,5million
7) I\'ve studied their accounts carefully but I can\'t make head or foot/hand/tail of them.
zaraz kończy mi sie internet na razie zdazyłem tyle co pamietam jutro ci napisze o 15.00 bo wtefdy mam internet od 15.00 d0 .21.00 ok :_)

1.They were at a social event but they talked shop all evening talk shop -rozmawiać o sprawach zawodowych

2. She\'s our best sales rep.She\'s really got the

3.When they told me I was fired I was at a

4.She lost the notes for her talk so she had to speak off the cuff the cuff znaczy z głowy,bez przygotowania


6. I haven\'t got the information to hand but, off the top of my head, I\'d say about 2,5million
... ten przykład idiomu znaczy identycznie to samo co w punkcie 4 the top of one\'s head -z glowy ,bez przygotowania tylko tutaj inny idiom bo odnosi się inaczej niż w puncie 4 tu znaczy szczeliłem na oko,
a w punkcie 4 jest inna sytuacja ponieważ ona wiedziala miala zapisane i niestety musiala mowic z glowy :-) ale idiomy off the cuff oraz off the top of one\'s head znacza to samo tylko uzywane są odpowiednio do sytuacji -)
pięknie dziękuję i czekam na resztę :)
Ja znam tylko kilka na pewno:
1. talk shop (gadać o pracy)
4. do sth off the cuff (improwizować)
7. make head or tail of sth (zrozumieć)
Resztę proponuję sprawdzić w słowniku ang-ang. Powodzenia!
I think you have a few unanswered questions with idioms that I will fill out for you:

#2. She\'s really got the gift of the gab.

(meaning: she is really good at talking...very convincing - it\'s definately an asset when it comes to selling things).

#3 When they told me I was fired, I was at a loss for words.
#5 He wanted a 30%.....we weren\'t even talking the same language.
#6 I haven\'t got the information to hand out off the top of my head....



Business English