czy to jest poprawnie napisane?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Before we decide to get married we should wonder if we sure (are we sure?) that we really love our partner and want to be with him for the fest of our life. Another thing is that if we have a place where we can live together and if we can earn (czy moze byc rowniez 'if we are able to earn...'?) enough money to support our family.
Before we decide to get married we should make sure (albo we should ensure) that we really love our partner and want to be with him or her (albo: that we really love our partner and want to be with them*) for the rest of our life) (albo: that we really lover our partner and want to spend the rest of our live with him or her/with them).
Another thing to consider is whether we have a place where we can live together and whether we are able to earn (albo: whether we can earn) enough money to support our family.

*them mozna uzywac w liczbie pojedynczej. Nie jest to blad chociaz wiele osob tego nie lubi. Ja lubie, bo wyglada o niebo lepiej niz "him or her". Ponadto, historycznie "them" bylo uzywane w l. pojedynczej.
Nie jest to blad chociaz
>wiele osob tego nie lubi

Aha, i nauczyciele nie powinnie tego uznac za blad (chociaz to zalezy jaka ksiazke gramatyczna wykuli na pamiec i czy sie doksztalcaja samodzielnie czy dalej tkwia nosem w tej samej ksiazce do gramatyki)
nie wiem dlaczego uważasz, że nauczyciele wkuwaja książki do gramatyki na pamięc.

Niestety, niewielu ma tą okazje mieszkania w anglojezycznym kraju, rozmawiania na codzień w j. ang, itd. Więc poza radiem, tv, pozostają nam książki i nie widzę w tym nic złego. Zwłaszcza, ze na pytania uczniów nie można odpowiadac ,bo tak sie mowi'.

co do 'them' to jest tak oczywista sprawa, ze naprawdę nie trzeba było wyjaśnień.

Napisałaś kiedys, ze w Polsce ostatnio byłas kilkanaście lat temu. Skąd wiec tyle wiesz o polskich nauczycielach i o tym jak uczą???

czekam na odp i pozdrawiam
>Skąd wiec tyle wiesz o polskich nauczycielach i o tym jak uczą???

I don't. Why do you assume I alluded to Polish teachers in my previous post? I didn't, so don't take everything so personally :)
I made a general statement that unfortunately can be applied to native teachers of English too. Some of them are stuck up prescriptive grammarians who simply refuse to notice that language is alive and changes. Todays colloquialisms - tomorrows standards. Yesterdays vulgarisms - todays standards.

>Więc poza radiem, tv, pozostają nam książki i nie widzę w tym nic złego.

And I believe that's enough. I really do not think you have to spend any time in an English-speaking country to be a good teacher. Like you said, there are books, radio, TV, internet. They are all good means of receiving valuable input in English from the comfort of your own home :)
>changes. Todays colloquialisms - tomorrows standards. Yesterdays
>vulgarisms - todays standards.

nah.... the point is - it's still TODAY:))
"... an argument based not on logic, grammar, or idiom, but rather on the inability of its proponents to express their thoughts in standard English, and the presumption that such failure on their part constitutes grounds for the corruption of established syntax."

They, them, their are plural.
True, but there is such a thing as a "singular they". Do your reserach well. Credible research presents both sides and lets the reader choose for themselves (or themself :).
What both sides? They is full of themself....

>Todays colloquialisms - tomorrows standards. Yesterdays vulgarisms - todays standards.

...and so is you, unless you is kidding.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.