Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie! Pilne!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Nowadays people seem to forget that the nature is our mother. I’m talking about engineers of genetic. They improve a lot of products which we eat everyday. They want to make our life better. Unfortunately, they act against us.

First of all people who support genetic engineering said we could save the world from famine. They also can make a cow, which will give more milk. Their animals would be stronger, and would never be ill. Their plans would grow quickly and will be tastier.

On the other hand if the cow should give so much milk, the nature would make it. Our ancestors haven’t needed to make the world better and the nature has fed them. What’s more if genetic engineering is able to create perfect vegetable, it means it can do the same with a man. Maybe products, which were made by doctors in laboratory, are tastier. However they aren’t so healthy as that one made by nature. We must remember that fruits and vegetables, which were made at laboratory, have changed genes. We know how to take genes from one species and transform them to other. Unfortunately, we don’t know what will happen after these experiments. What we will make? The engineers from laboratory don’t inform us about failed experiments with genes. Fortunately, there are some organizations like Green Peace, which try to fight with lying of people. They’re screaming about animals that are used for experiments.

In conclusion we should protect ourselves of the chemicals. Mostly improved fruits and vegetables isn’t a good idea. The doctors might look for medicine on cancer or AIDS. They shouldn’t play with the nature. It’s dangerous play.

Prosze o sprawdzenie tego wypracowania. Jeżeli ktoś miałby jeszcze jakieś argumenty za lub przeciw inżynierii genetycznej, niech się ze mną podzieli.

Z góry dziękuję!!
czy są tu jakieś błędy??
proszę tylko o sprawdzenie... :-(
I need your help!

Proszę o jakieś wskazówki..itp.
Zlitujcie się i pomóżcie...Błagam!!
First of all people who support genetic engineering CLAIM THAT we could save the world from famine. They also can CREATE a cow, which will give more milk. Their animals would be stronger, and would never be ill. Their plans would grow quickly and WOULD be tastier.

Our ancestors DIDN’T need to make the world better and the nature FED them.
What WILL WEl make?
Fortunately, there are some organizations like Green Peace, which HAS B
They'VE BEEN screaming about animals that are used for experiments.
In conclusion we should protect ourselves AGAINST the chemicals
It's A dangerous play.
Mostly improved FRUIT and vegetables AREN'T a good idea.
However, they aren't so healthy as thESE oneS made by nature.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.