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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy w zwrocie 'to read between the lines' mozna ominac 'the'?
IMHO można.
no chyba raczej nie mozna - w idiomach, przyslowaich i innych fixed phrases nie mozna zadnych rodzajniko ominac!
tego sie obawialem... najsmieszniejsze ze w necie jest tyle bledow. wrzucilem do wyszukiwarki 'read between the lines' a potem bez 'the' w obu przypadkach bylo sporo wynikow...
Zasady zasadami, read between lines jest niemal równie powszechne co read between the lines. Wpisz sobie w google "read between lines". Można to znaleźć w ogromnej ilości poważnych tekstow a nie na jakichś blogach, twierdzisz że popełniają błąd?
wiesz chyba trzeba przejrzec powazniejsze slowniki czy uwzgledniaja taka opcje! Oxford i Callins uznaja forme z 'the'...
It's "read between the lines".
You shouldn't rely on google too much and if you're searching for something, make sure you're getting your info from a credible site.

"read between lines" comes up in google, but it's on foreign sites or on blog sites mostly. Unreliable, in other words.

If you want to find how a word is used, it's better to search corpora. Unfortunately, phrases aren't that common in corpora. They are better for single words.
You can find corpora here: Click on concordancer and have fun :)
Można to znaleźć w ogromnej ilości poważnych tekstow a nie na jakichś
>blogach, twierdzisz że popełniają błąd?

wpisz w google "read between the lines" idiom i potem "read between lines" idiom, a nie samo "read between the lines", "read between lines".
dokladnie, to, ze pojawia sie mnostwo stron gdy wpiszesz nawet bledne wyrazenie nie swiadczy o poprawnosci! wtedy jest to blad albo wyrazenie nieidiomatyczne a poprostu "read between lines"... :)
1. READ BETWEEN THE LINES If you read between the lines, you understand what someone really means, or what is really happening in a situation, even though it is not stated openly.

*If one reads between the lines of their public statements, one is left with the impression that they're just pretending to investigate and that the decision to go ahead with mining has already been made.

*He was reluctant to go into detains, but reading between the lines it appears that the Bank of England has vetoed any idea of merger between British Banks.

2) You can also talk about the message BETWEEN THE LINES

*He didn't give a reason, but I sensed something between the lines.

*And when the trial took place, he confessed to everything and he lied against himself, but at the same time he tried to tell the truth in his own language. He tried to send a message between the lines.

(Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idioms) :-)
so ... one shouldn't fiddle with idioms ;)

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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.