Czy ktos by mogl to sprawdzic? plisss.... :D

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy ktos moglby mi to sprawdzic? I poprawic? I pomoc mi wymyslec te zdania po polsku co sa w nawiasach? prosze.

Sorry for not writing such a long time, but and my computer was off. And later I hadn’t enough time to write something. I have a lot of work at school. And here, the summer apparently has decided to come back again, so we have a beautiful weather. The sun is shining and it very warm. But form 8 to 16 I’m sitting in school. I hate it. I’m just looking forward to some free days.

It’s difficult to say in English about my school, because each country has its own educational system.
And the english and the polish names are quite (pomieszane), so I never get what is what. But I can try.
I’m now in something what is in English called secondary school. It’s my second year. In the next year I will have a school living exam.
And then go to some (and here is the problem with English name) college? .However. I’m going to study something related with biology.

I Hungary I was two times. The first it was a few years ago, I was with my friends near the Balaton lake, in a city which name I will never say or spell;] (for Polish people the Hungarian names are extremely difficult;]) But it was something started with Ke.. And we had a trip to Budapest, and that was my first time there. I really liked it. The second time was an only few-hours sight seeing trip, only because we were in the way back to Poland and we had some problems with our bus;].

Archery isn’t so hard sport as it seems to be. Really. Try (kiedyś)
I was thinking about start (uprawiac) horse archery. Ale musialabym lepiej jedzic konno.
And I’ve heard that the best in horse archery in the world are the Hungarians.

Oh, I’ve forgotten what else I was going to write. I’ll write more the next time

And now I have to finish, because we had the parliamentary elections, and now they’re going to take the results public. A już się nie mogę doczekac;]

Ps.yes,this is my privet e-mail. It means nothing special? (Nie znaczy nic specjalengo)

Have a nice day.
Sorry for not writing such a long time, but and my computer was off. And later I hadn't enough time to write something. I have a lot of work at school. And here, the summer apparently has decided to come back again, so we have a beautiful weather. The sun is shining and it IS very warm. But form 8 to 16 I'm sitting AT school. I hate it. I'm just looking forward to some DAYS OFF.

It's difficult to say about my school IN ENGLISH, because each country has its own educational system.
English and polish names are quite (MIXED UP), so I never get what is what. But I can try.
I'm now in something what is in English called secondary school. It's my second year. In the next year I will have a school living exam.
And then go to some (and here is the problem with English name) college? .WHATEVER. I'm going to study something related with biology.

IN Hungary I was two times. The first TIME was a few years ago, I was with my friends near the Balaton lake, in a city which name I will never say or spell;] (for Polish people the Hungarian names are extremely difficult;]) But it was something started with Ke.. And we had a trip to Budapest, and that was my first time there. I really liked it. The second time was an only few-hours sight seeing trip, only because we were in the way back to Poland and we had some problems with our bus;].

Archery isn't so hard as it seems to be. Really. (YOU HAVE TO TRY IT)
I was thinking about horse archery, BUT I WOULD HAVE TO IMPROVE MY RIDING SKILLS
And I've heard that the best in horse archery in the world are the Hungarians.

Oh, I've forgot what else I was going to write. I'll write more the next time

And now I have to finish, because we had the parliamentary elections, and now they're going to take the PUBLIC RESULTS. I CAN'T WAIT;]

Ps.yes,this is my privet e-mail. IT DOESN'T MEAN NOTHING SPECIAL

To tyle:D Pozdro:)

dlaczego zdanie poprawne przerobiles na bledne?