prośba o spr przecinków

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
prosze o sprawdzenie przecinków w tych fragmentach bo ja poprostu tego nie czuje,z góry dziekuje za wszelka pomoc

-According to R. Ellis (1994:702),’Explicit knowledge is the knowledge of rules and items that exists in an analyzed form so that the learners are able to report what they know’. This description of explicit knowledge is consistent with Krashen’s definition of learning, which is a conscious operation after which the learner can explain the rules. In contrast, implicit knowledge is said to be intuitive and cannot be directly reported (R.Ellis 1994). This type of knowledge reflects the acquisition process which is unconscious, thus the learner does not know about the rules of a certan language, albeit uses them correctly.

-Utterances are introduced by the ‘acquired’ system and the ‘learnt’ system is activated only when learners are conscious about producing the correct output. In other words, the ‘learnt’ system takes the function of an’ editor’ or ‘monitor’, which works under specific conditions i.e. when the learners are focused on form and have ample time to access the knowledge (R.Ellis 1994).
Cytat: Pepsi77
prosze o sprawdzenie przecinków w tych fragmentach bo ja poprostu tego nie czuje,z góry dziekuje za wszelka pomoc

-According to R. Ellis (1994:702),’Explicit knowledge is the knowledge of rules and items that exists in an analyzed form so that the learners are able to report what they know’. This description of explicit knowledge is consistent with Krashen’s definition of learning, which WYGLADA NA TO, ZE WHICH ODNOSI SIE DO DEFINITION, A NIE DO LEARNING is a conscious operation after which the learner can explain the rules. In contrast, implicit knowledge is said to be intuitive and cannot be directly reported (R.Ellis 1994). This type of knowledge reflects the acquisition process PRZECINEK which is unconscious, THUS NIE JEST SPOJNIKIEM. KROPKA LUB SREDNIK thus the learner does not know about the rules of a certan language, albeit PODMIOT uses them correctly.

-Utterances are introduced by the ‘acquired’ system PRZECINEK and the ‘learnt’ system is activated only when learners are conscious about producing the correct output. In other words, the ‘learnt’ system takes the function of an’ editor’ or ‘monitor’, BEZ PRZECINKA - PODPOWIEDZIA JEST 'AN' PRZED RZECZOWNIKIEM which works under specific conditions PRZECINEK i.e. when the learners are focused on form and have ample time to access the knowledge (R.Ellis 1994).
This description of explicit knowledge is consistent with Krashen’s (1985) definition of learning which is a conscious operation after which the learner can explain the rules.
to tu ma byc bez przecinka dobrze zrozumialam?
i wielkie dzieki za sprawdzenie naprawde:):):) ciesze sie bardzo
Nie, w tym miejscu przecinek jest ok, ale napisałbym 'as a conscious operation' i to, oczywiscie, bez przecinka.

co to za studia?
dzieki jeszcze raz a ja to potrzebuje na jezykoznawstwo stosowane takie porównanie.chociaz moja wykładowczyni chyba tez ma problem z przecinkami bo wszystkich nie zauwaza ;)
duzy szacunek dla Twojej wiedzy.
jestem wykładowcą
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.