For and against the freedom of expression"
What does it mean free? Is freedom our absolute right or should somebody control our speech and our behavior? Who does have the right to control us? What are pros and cons of freedom of expression?
First of all, Freedom of expression comes with our democratic rights. This is the natural right, the human being is born with. The follower of freedom think people should be not controlled. They should go where they want , without fear from people who would not like us like a important part of society. We should be able to appreciate what we like and criticize what we disapprove of. It is generally believed that young people should be creative. Nobody should restrict them. Nowadays youth have the courage to do what they want, and say what they think. What is more, it makes they happier than somebody who is controlled.
On the other hand, we have right to do what we want, but nobody should ignore others right.
Every should take rights other into consideration. Next, freedom can not be absolute. It must be limited. Nobody can just do what he likes and says “I am a free man”. It is impossible that somebody within the framework if freedom sake can kill, smuggle drugs or violate the laws and rules. There should be respect to other people and their needs.
All things considered, the Human Rights say that we have freedom of opinion and expression.
Nobody should threaten our freedom and deprive us from our right. Nevertheless our right of freedom must never harm any other human being ,directly or indirectly. We must respect every one in the society.