
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I see only one disadvantage of being child, namely you can’t settle, because your parents make every decision about you.

From birth to death every person has been gone through different stages in its life. I believe that each of them is important, because every year provide to us with experience. Moreover Every person undergoes key changes in life which influence on their disposition and future.
I see only one disadvantage of being child, namely you can’t 'settle' (to jest calkowicie zle slowo, nawet nie rozumiem co chcesz przekazac tutaj), because your parents make every decision 'about' (nie wiem dokladnie, czy to masz na mysli - chyba 'decision for you' (robia za ciebie decyzje) a nie 'o tobie').

From birth to death every person has 'been' (tego nie rozumiem, to jest maslo maslane) gone through different stages in 'its' (dlaczego o ludziach piszesz 'IT'-od kiedy czlowiek to jest IT? tutaj inaczej...person-their) life. I believe that each of them is important, because every year provideS 'to' (niepotr) us with experience. Moreover, (przecinek) eEvery person undergoes key changes in life which influence 'on' (niepotr) their disposition and future.
I see only one disadvantage of being child, namely you don’t have influence on your life , because your parents make every decision for you'

From birth to death every person has gone through different stages in their life. I believe that each of them is important, because every year provides us with experience. Moreover, eEvery person undergoes key changes in life which influence their disposition and future.
Teraz lepiej.
ale zauwazylam:
I see only one disadvantage of being 'A' child, namely THAT you don’t have ANY influence on your life , because your parents make every decision for you'