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John Logie Baird constructed first television In 19th century. Since that time The World incessantly has been changing. Newer models still are apearing on the market. Moreover Twenty years ago most of people didn’t even hear About The Internet but today it seems to be necessary to life and our society couldn’t imagine their life without the Internet. But what About the Press? Does it have a Chance to survive In era of modern technology? I think that it does, but newspapers has seen better days( mieć czasy świetności już za sobą) and they never won’t be as popular as the Internet and television.
edytowany przez Dzyn_dzyn_dzyn: 03 mar 2011
John Logie Baird constructed (brak przedimka) first television In (brak przedimka) 19th century. Since that time the world 'incessantly has been' (zla kol slow) changing. Newer models 'still are' (zla kol slow) 'apearing' (ortog) on the market. Moreover, twenty years ago most 'of' (niepotr) people 'didn’t' (zle slow) even 'hear' (zle slowo) about the Internet (przecinek) but today it seems to be necessary to life and our society couldn’t imagine their 'life' (uzywasz society jako l. mn - popraw to 'life') without the Internet. But what about the press? Does it have a chance 'to' OF survivAL in (brak przedimka) era of modern technology? I think that it does, but newspapers 'has' (zle przeciez 'newspaperS' to l. mn dlaczego piszesz 'has'?) seen better days and they WILL never 'won’t' (niepotr ale i tak zle slowo) be as popular as the Internet and television.
John Logie Baird constructed the first television In the19th century. Since that time the world 'has been' incessantly changing. Newer models are' 'still 'appearing.on the market. Moreover, twenty years ago most people 'haven't even 'heard' about the Internet, but today it seems to be necessary to life and our society couldn’t imagine your life ) without the Internet. But what about the press? Does it have a chance 'to' OF survivAL in the era of modern technology? I think that it does, but newspapers 'have seen better days and they WILL never be as popular as the Internet and television.
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